

Chapter  1 provided a high-level overview of the need for a national framework  for protecting critical infrastructure. For some additional reading,  take a look at the latest Presidential Order that relates to  strengthening cybersecurity that relates to critical infrastructure:


After reading chapter 1 and looking at the link above, you’re ready to participate in the first discussion.

Lets look at a real-world scenario and how the Department of  Homeland Security (DHS) plays into it. In the scenario, the United  States will be hit by a large-scale, coordinated cyber attack organized  by China. These attacks debilitate the functioning of government  agencies, parts of the critical infrastructure, and commercial ventures.  The IT infrastructure of several agencies are paralyzed, the electric  grid in most of the country is shut down, telephone traffic is seriously  limited and satellite communications are down (limiting the Department  of Defenses [DODs] ability to communicate with commands overseas).  International commerce and financial institutions are also severely hit.  Please explain how DHS should handle this situation.

You must do the following:

1) Create a new thread. As indicated above, please explain how DHS should handle the situation described in the preceding paragraph. 

2) Select  AT LEAST 3 other students’ threads and post substantive comments on  those threads. Your comments should extend the conversation started with  the thread. 

ALL original posts and comments must be substantive. (I’m looking for about a paragraph – not just “I agree.”)

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