Any topic (writer’s choice)

1.    In your textbook Leading and Managing in Nursing, read Chapter 30, The Strategic Planning Process.
2.    In your textbook Fundamentals of Project Management, read:
a.    Chapter 1, An Overview of Project Management
b.    Chapter 2, The Role of the Project Manager
c.    Chapter 3, Incorporating Stakeholder Management in the Project Planning Process
d.    Chapter 4, Planning the Project
e.    Chapter 5, Developing a Mission, Vision, Goals, and Objectives for the Project
3.    View the presentation Strategic Planning for Change.pptx.
4.    Download and review the Strategic Plan Resource 2017.docx file.
5.    Identify a specific problem or need to serve as the basis for a strategic plan. The actual need that you identify could be related to process improvement, patient safety, quality service, effective workflow, or ongoing education to address a knowledge deficit. The project must be patient-centered and must have a measurable outcome. The scope of the strategic plan should be such that it can be accomplished within an 8-week period of time and serve as a future capstone project in your final course. It is recommended that you interview formal and informal leaders in your chosen healthcare environment to assess for needs or problems that would benefit from a change initiative that might fall within your scope of practice and the assigned capstone time frame.
6.    Use the APA template to write a 3-4 page strategic plan paper that meets the following criteria:
a.    Use APA level I headings to organize the components (Background Discussion, Stakeholders, Outcome Statement and Evaluation Plan, and Conclusion) of your written paper.
b.    Introduce your proposed plan for change to a current situation in a healthcare setting in your introductory paragraph. A clear problem statement should be included in this initial paragraph.
c.    Background Discussion: Give background information that describes circumstances and factors that influence the existing problem or need. Discuss how your proposed plan will bring effective change or improvement to the chosen healthcare setting. In this background discussion, a minimum of three sources from current and scholarly literature that support evidence-based practice should be integrated to validate and provide rationale for your strategic plan.
d.    Stakeholders: In this section, you will identify all of the stakeholders who will be potentially involved or will be impacted by your plan. A brief identification of those stakeholders, along with a succinct description of their role and interest in the plan should be discussed. You should include your chosen project facilitator (preceptor) and the facility where your change initiative will be implemented in this stakeholder discussion.
e.    Outcome Statement and Evaluation Plan: In this section, you will begin with a well-written outcome statement (SMART goal). Then, briefly describe an action plan that might be implemented to achieve this outcome. You will also describe an evaluation plan that specifically corresponds to the outcome statement. You will discuss any data that will be collected and analyzed in order to measure the achievement of the stated SMART goal (outcome). This section will describe the process that will be used to evaluate the success of your proposed change.
f.    Conclusion: Summarize the benefits that this change initiative will have on the chosen healthcare setting. Briefly describe the long-term and future impact of this proposed change initiative.


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6.3 Dropbox Assignment Rubric (4 criteria)(5 levels)(Content; Critical Analysis; College-Level Writing; APA Citing and Referencing)(200pts)
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This table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method. Criteria
Level 5
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
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60 points
(60 points)
Introduction includes a clear statement of need (problem statement) that addresses ALL of the following: who, what, when, where, and why.
Includes specific and exemplary information supporting the importance of the change initiative, and thoroughly describes how the strategic plan will bring effective change or improvement.
Three or more expertly-chosen scholarly sources, current within five years, are used to support content.
Main points of discussion are appropriately and sufficiently supported by credible and current sources.
Provides comprehensive discussion of stakeholders impacted by chosen initiative.
Discussion includes an expertly written outcome statement that includes SMART criteria.
Overview of action steps are fully described for implementing the plan.
Includes accurate, thorough, and succinct plan for evaluation which will specifically measure achievement of the stated outcome.
Conclusion expertly summarizes benefits related to the proposed change and expertly addresses impact on future.
Written information demonstrates expert flow, and proceeds in a logical and highly-organized manner.
Content is highly engaging and fully developed.
Length of paper is no less than three typed pages of content and does not exceed four typed pages in length.

59 points
(5759 points possible)
Introduction includes a clear statement of need (problem statement) that addresses four of the following: who, what, when, where, and why.
Satisfactory discussion supporting importance of the change initiative, and adequately describes how the strategic plan will bring effective change or improvement.
Three scholarly sources, current within five years, are used to support content.
Main points of discussion are modestly supported by credible and current sources.
Provides satisfactory discussion of stakeholders impacted by chosen initiative.
Discussion includes a satisfactory outcome statement that includes all but one SMART criteria.
Satisfactory description of action steps for implementing the plan.
Includes a satisfactory plan for evaluation which will measure achievement of the stated outcome.
Conclusion satisfactorily summarizes benefits related to the proposed change and adequately addresses impact on future.
Written information demonstrates good flow and is well-organized.
Content is satisfactorily engaging and well-developed.
Length of paper exceeds four typed pages in length.

56 points
(5056 points possible)
Introduction includes a statement of need (problem statement) that addresses two or three of the following: who, what, when, where, and why.
Poorly developed discussion supporting importance of the change initiative, and partially describes how the strategic plan will bring effective change or improvement.
Only  two sources are used, or sources not considered scholarly and/or current within five years, are used to support content.
Main points of discussion have limited support by credible and current sources.
Provides limited discussion of stakeholders impacted by chosen initiative.
Discussion includes a limited and incomplete outcome statement that does not include two or more SMART criteria.
Limited description of action steps for implementing the plan.
Includes general plan for evaluation which correlates to the stated outcome.
Conclusion includes limited summary of benefits related to the proposed change and limited impact on future.
Written information flows in an adequate manner, and is somewhat organized.
Content is adequately engaging and developed.
Length of paper is 2-3 pages in length.

49 points
(4549 points possible)
Introduction includes a poorly developed statement of need that does not specifically address who, what, when, where, and why.
Limited discussion supporting importance of change initiative, and poorly describes how the strategic plan will bring effective change or improvement.
Only one source is used or sources are not considered scholarly and weakly support content.
Main points of discussion are not adequately supported by credible or current sources.
Provides incomplete discussion of stakeholders.
Discussion does not include a clear outcome statement for the proposed plan.
Action steps do not relate to the stated outcome.
Includes limited plan for evaluation which does not correlate to the stated outcome.
Conclusion does not discuss one of the following: benefits related to proposed change or future impact.
Written information demonstrates an incongruent flow and is poorly organized.
Content is initiated but poorly developed.

44 points
(044 points possible)
Introduction does not include a problem statement.
No discussion supporting importance of initiative describing how strategic plan will bring effective change or improvement.
Poorly chosen sources are used to support background discussion or no sources are used at all.
Main points of discussion are difficult to discern and are lacking support from credible sources.
Discussion of stakeholders is scant or missing.
No outcome statement for the proposed initiative is included in the paper.
No action steps are described in the discussion.
Plan for evaluation is poorly developed, does not relate to the outcome statement or is omitted.
Conclusion is omitted or does not address both benefits and future impact.
Written information is lacking organization and does not have a logical flow.
Content is not developed will enough to engage the reader.
Length of paper falls below 2 pages in length.

Clear Override
/ 60
/ 60
Criterion score has been overridden
Critical Analysis
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80 points
(80 points)
Provides an exemplary and thorough analysis and evaluation of the existing need.
Articulates accurate and meaningful conclusions from research and/or review of literature.
Demonstrates clear, in-depth synthesis of well-chosen, pertinent literature review.
Clearly communicates specific insights, applications, and usefulness of information.

79 points
(7579 points possible)
Provides a satisfactory analysis and evaluation of the existing need.
Articulates well-developed conclusions from research and/or review of literature.
Demonstrates an accurate synthesis of well-chosen, pertinent literature review.
Clearly communicates general insights, applications, and usefulness of information.

74 points
(6774 points possible)
Provides a limited analysis and/or evaluation of the existing need.
Articulates basic conclusions from research and/or review of literature.
Demonstrates a brief but accurate synthesis of literature review.
Communicates general insights, with minimal application and usefulness of information.

66 points
(6066 points possible)
Provides a limited analysis and evaluation of the existing need.
Draws basic assumptions from research and/or review of literature.
Content obtained through literature review is limited, with minimal synthesis of information.
Minimal inclusion of relevant insights, applications, and usefulness of information.

59 points
(059 points possible)
Provides little or no analysis and evaluation of the existing need.
Draws no conclusions from research and/or review of literature.
Content obtained through literature review is limited, without synthesis of information.
Insights, applications, and usefulness of information are absent.

Clear Override
/ 80
/ 80
Criterion score has been overridden
College-Level Writing
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20 points
(020 points possible)
A deduction of one point per each error will occur.
    Correct spelling
    Correct grammar
    Correct punctuation
    Written paper is well organized and demonstrates congruence with a central purpose/theme throughout.
    Written paper includes a well-defined introduction, body, and conclusion.
    Written paper length is within the required assignment guidelines.
    Correct use of capitalization and abbreviations.
    Sentence structure is correct and complete.
    Paragraph structure is correct with a minimum of three sentences.
    Correct APA format including (but not limited to) the following:
o    Pagination
o    Running head
o    Margins
o    Spacing
o    Indentation (paragraph, hanging, and block indent for long quotes)
o    Headings
o    Font style
o    Font size
o    Correct use of parenthesis around citation or reference information
o    Correct use of the word “and” or the ampersand mark (&)
o    Correct use of italics
o    Alphabetization of the reference page
o    Correct location of quotation marks

0 points

0 points

0 points

0 points

Clear Override
/ 20
/ 20
Criterion score has been overridden
APA Citing and Referencing (according to APA, 6th ed.)
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40 points
(40 points)
Current and scholarly sources are cited and referenced without errors.

39 points
(039 points possible)
One-point deduction for each of the following errors, including but not limited to:
    Missing quotation marks around direct wording taken from a source. Author name(s), year, and page/paragraph number are included.
    Missing publication date within the citation.
    Incorrect citation when the source has no author indicated.
    Missing page or paragraph number for direct quotation when author and year are included.
    Use of URL as a citation instead of author and year (and page or paragraph number if quote is used.)
    Citation given at the end of a paragraph instead of individual sentences within the paragraph.
    Page or paragraph number for statistical information is not included with citation.

35 points
(035 points possible)
Five-point deduction for each of the following errors:
    Source is cited in the paper but not included on the reference page.
    Source is listed on the reference page but is not cited i the body of the paper.

20 points
(020 points possible)
No more than 20 points awarded when the following occurs:
Less than 25% of total paper is verified by faculty as paraphrased material from sources without any citations indicated for information.

0 points
(0 points)
Plagiarism Report sent to Post-Licensure Nursing Office to determine appropriate sanction when the following occurs:
    Direct wording is taken from a source. No quotation marks or block quotes are included. No author, no date, and no location of the quoted content are indicated.
    Greater than or equal to 25% of total paper content is verified by facilitator as paraphrased material from sources without any citations indicated for information.

Clear Override
/ 40
/ 40
Criterion score has been overridden
Rubric Total Score Total Total Score
Clear Override
Clear Override
/ 200
/ 200
Criterion score has been overridden
Overall Score
Overall Score
Level 5 *90 points minimum

Clear Override
Level 4 *65 points minimum

Clear Override
Level 2 *63 points minimum

Clear Override
Level 3 *59 points minimum

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