Does the death penalty deter crime?

The Criminal Justice Practicum provides experiences necessary for further professional development and exposure to related agencies in the criminal justice field.  The topics for this Criminal Justice Practicum must address criminal justice issues through the eyes of a law enforcement official at the Federal, State, or Local Levels.

The theories, research methods and analytical skills, and substantive knowledge obtained through their curriculum provide the basis for the Criminal Justice Practicum research project.  Students support the research study effort, including gathering bibliographic and reference materials on the research study topic; developing individual course research papers that may become sections of the final research study.  The practicum study proposal is prepared in accordance with the standards outlined.  The Criminal Justice Practicum proposal must provide a clear and lucid description of a question or problem and a proposed method of answering the question or solving the problem.

All typed pages will be in 12pt font, Times New Roman, with 1 border all around.  Spacing with be double spaced.  No deviations will be accepted. All papers will be either MLA or APA style format with a bibliography.  Papers that do not meet formatting requirements will be returned without grade.

Research paper must be no less than 18 pages, no more than 25 pages (includes Cover Sheet and Reference Sheet)

Sources:  You can utilize information from various sources including:  magazines, newspapers, internet, reference books, published articles, government documents, testimonial evidence, and interviews.  Wiki sources are NOT authorized.  In addition, you must have 4 peer reviewed sources

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