Ban the box

You will choose a topic and argue one side of the topic, but also include the counterargument to remain unbiased in your writing. Remember to review the fallacies to avoid these in your argument. The essay will be objective, so do not use I.

The Final Argumentative Essay will follow APA format. Including an APA title page. At the end of the document, beginning on a separate page, put your references, the word References is at the very top of the page, with references listed alphabetically by author, with a hanging indent of .5 inches. APA format also means using 12 point font, times new roman type, and the double-spacing the entire paper.  The Final Argumentative Essay is five to six pages of text. This does not include your title or reference page.

This Final Argumentative Essay will include at least four academic, scholarly sources to support your claim. Scholarly resources are found using the Wahlstrom Library online database. Be sure to search for journal articles that have been peer-reviewed and have been published in the past five years. Links to websites are not considered scholarly. Though website information may be used in your paper if properly cited and in addition to the four scholarly resources.

“Ban-the-box” Refers to that laws require employers to remove criminal-history questions from employment applications.

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