E-Book Review Assignment

E-Book Review Assignment

Intentionally selecting quality resources with childrens interests, literacy goals, and cultures in mind is an important aspect of being a qualified educator.  This assignment asks you to develop this school by choosing an E-book that you would use in your teaching. This assignment is worth 15 points.

Use the following 7 researched based early literacy foundational skills to evaluate your E-book. 

1.    Vocabulary (How does this book introduce new or challenging vocabulary words?)

2.    Narrative Connections (How does the book tell a story that a child can easily retell or act out? How do characters, ideas, or storylines lend themselves to discussion?)

3.    Print and Visual Motivation (How would children be interested in this subject, the writing craft, and these pictures?)

4.    Print Awareness (How is the print accessible for children?)

5.    Word-Image Relationship Knowledge (How can children make a connection between the words and the images?)

6.    Phonological Awareness (How can children hear and say rhyming words or identify sight words?)

7.    Culturally Responsive (How can children see/hear themselves or culturally appropriate and validating images and concepts?)

    Selection Rationale (2 points)
o    Explanation of why you selected this book over one of your other final choices. Provide the reference information for one of your other final choices.

    Reference and Summary Information (2 points)
o    Provide the APA full reference information.
o    Provide a summary of the book.

    E-Book Review (14 points)
o    Review all seven of the above components.
o    Discuss gems and gaps for each component
o    Support all claims with specific examples from the book.

    Teaching Implications (2 points)
o    Discuss how and when you see yourself using this book with children.

Periodical Reference: Enhancing the Early Reading Experience: Book, Strategies and Concepts by Michael Strickland & Laura Abbott

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