Any topic (writer’s choice)

The book should be a personal account by somebody who has/hada mentalillness. Write at least six text pages for possible full credit (not countingtitle page or reference pageneither is needed); do not use a type face larger than12. The paper should be double-spaced.  Please include page numbers. You may choose a book from this list, or whatever you find in the library a long these lines. You may also check the local bookstores. Online/e-books are ok but please reference direct quotes according to whatever is given(e.g. %). There are many paper backsthatfit this description, and most of the books listed below are out in paper back version. More specific directions for the extra credit paper. Please note that there are THREE parts.1.Start with a summary of the book(include quotes with page numbers).  This should be the bulk of your  paper.2.Continue with your personal response to the book or acritical discussion of the book. This response maybe very personal. You may also chose to relate the book to information in the textbook or outside readings.3.Finally, please comment onwhichbookyoulike better, the one you read for your assignment or AnUnquiet MindbyKayRedfieldJamison(the requiredreadingfor the course). Please explain what youlike and dislike about each book. You dont need to provide a detailed summary of Jamisons book.Please be aware that case histories of yourself, friends, or family members doNOT qualify for this extra credit assignment which specifically is a book report.  However, you may bring in your personal experiencesin your discussion of the book. Also, Jamisons An Unquiet Mind is not a valid choice for your extra credit assignment–although it is a component of the assignment (see above).

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