week 1

Post your first forum comment by Thursday & your responses to others’ posts by Saturday.  You must respond to at least two posts from  classmates.

There are 2 forums due each week:  Faith Integration & General Discussion. 

Posting Guidelines

The goal of these discussions is to further learning.  Always maintain an academic tone and always use text-based references
to support your comments or feedback.  Please be comprehensive in your posting.  Also, be considerate and thoughtful with
your words.  We are here to learn together, therefore it is expected that we will be respectful of each other.

Week 1 Forum

Romans 8:31, ESV

31 What then shall we say to these things?  If God is for us, who can be against us?

Discuss how you should respond if you believed your supervisor was against you or did not like you?  In relation to this, what do you think the above scripture, Romans 8:31, is telling us?

Post your first forum comment by Thursday & your responses to others’ posts by Saturday.  You must respond to at least two posts from  classmates.

There are 2 forums due each week:  Faith Integration & General Discussion. 

Posting Guidelines

The goal of these discussions is to further learning.  Always maintain an academic tone and always use text-based references
to support your comments or feedback.  Please be comprehensive in your posting.  Also, be considerate and thoughtful with
your words.  We are here to learn together, therefore it is expected that we will be respectful of each other.

Week 1 forum

View this 12-minute video on management with Peter Drucker, the father of modern management.

Provide your insights on at least one point made in the Drucker video. 

Drucker video: Peter Drucker: An Enduring Legacy

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