Complete a Profile essay about Oahu, Hawaii.

Profiles take a specific angle that shares a significant issue, important contribution, or surprising quality of a person, place, or local, community event with which you have the first-hand experience.
The subject of the Profile should focus on a local person (perhaps church/community volunteer) you know, a local place you have visited, or local event  (parade, fair, festival)  you have attended, meaning the subject should be a part of your local neighborhood, community, or town.
Profiles are not full life stories; instead, they share a fresh perspective on the subject.
Profiles require writers to take a close look at a subject and use detail and description to bring the subject to life. You are using words to share with the reader your personal experience with this person, place or event.
The audience of the Profile essay is the local community. Imagine the readers as neighbors and local community members.

The introduction grabs the reader’s attention, introduces the subject, and clearly conveys the overall purpose. The body paragraphs work to support the essay’s purpose with appropriate content that meets the readers’ needs. The conclusion ties the essay together and leaves readers with a dominant impression.
The writer provides details and descriptions to show the subject’s qualities and convey the dominant impression. The writer uses additional strategies such as providing background information, detailing scenes, or including dialogue to bring the subject to life and develop ideas.

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