Part 1
Read Chapter 6 of Celce-Murcia , Second Language Listening Comprehension:
Process and Pedagogy.  Answer the following questions. Each response should be no less than 125 words for each question.

(1)  Do you agree with the distinction between skills and strategies offered in this chapter? Drawing from your own experience as a language learner or the experience of someone you know, discuss how a listener may move between skills and strategies in the process of listening. What are the implications of this for teaching listening to ESL/EFL learners?

(2)  Discuss the extent to which the development of a knowledge of language and discourse is related to learners  metacognitive awareness about second/foreign  language listening.  Why would learners who have good metacognitive knowledge about the nature and demands of listening feel more confident about their listening?

Part 2

Read Chapter 11 of Celce-Murcia , Teaching Second/Foreign Language Literacy to School-Age Learners.  Answer the following questions. Each response should be no less than 125 words for each question.

(3)  How might encountering vocabulary through a text set (a collection of fiction and nonfiction books and readings on a single theme or topic; described on p. 165) help ELLs learn new vocabulary?  What about having the students read on several topics?  Which do you think is better: deeper vocabulary knowledge on fewer different topics or broader (but shallower)vocabulary knowledge from a wide range of topics? Give arguments for both approaches to teaching vocabulary.

(4)  Review the various adaptations to literacy instruction recommended in this chapter for school-age ELLs.  What sorts of patterns do you see among them?  What are some principles underlying the different adaptations recommended for ELLs?

Please DO NOT write in an essay form. Number each question.

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