2050 – food, energy and gender

You will write a 3300 word research paper on any of the following topic: 2050 – food, energy and gender.

Grading criteria:

-Demonstrates an understanding and appreciation of the aims of the assessment, the questions or issues it seeks to address, and the global context generally. An excellent report might also reference the course content, core and recommended readings or complimentary materials.

-The quality, validity and reliability of materials, research and sources used for the arguments, views or facts as presented. An excellent report should demonstrate high critical literacy.

-Overall cogency of argument, views, findings
How informed, rational or persuasive is the report or presentations overall position and/or findings including evidence of critical, creative or reflective thinking. An excellent report should omit no key issues or questions, nor make unwarranted assumptions.

-How clear, concise, professional and creative or innovative is the actual presentation and report. Criteria applies to all forms i.e. written, visual, audio, kinesthetic etc. An excellent report should be thoroughly well-planned and executed, abide by best practices for communication, carefully consider the reader or listener and/or use creativity or professionalism to great effect.

Please refers to the following website:


nasa climate change website

UK met office climate change site

UN climate change website

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