Spain 130

ASSIGNMENT: Research the monument known as the Valley of the Fallen (El Valle de los Cados). I HAVE INCLUDED LINKS TO THE VIDEOS AND ARTICLES BELOW.

What are ten (10) important facts we learn from the video 40 Years On, Francos Ghost Still Haunts Spain
The Valley of the Fallen: What is it?
Where is it?
When was it built?
Why was it built?
What does it contain?
Who had it built?
What is the controversy surrounding the site? (Be specific.)
What are YOUR thoughts on this site? Should it be razed, saved, or should something else entirely different be done? (Justify your response.)
Do a brief comparison/contrast between the recent controversy in the USA with respect to Confederate statues and this monument in Spain.
There are suggested videos and websites below. You will find that this assignment ties in directly to the reading for this week (Chapter 11).

Please write your answers using COMPLETE SENTENCES. If you choose to answer in paragraph form, please address ALL ten (10) questions from the assignment prompt.

25 points [10 points for question 1; 1 pt. each for questions 2-7; 3 points each for questions 8-10]

Submission Type: Please submit your answers to the assignment here in the Regional Profileassignment drop box in Lesson 11. You may copy and paste your responses or type them directly into the assignment text box.


VIDEO: 40 Years On, Francos Ghost Still Haunts Spain

VIDEO: Valley of the Fallen: A symbol of the Franco dictatorship or a religious site?

VIDEO: A Taste of the Valley of the Fallen

ARTICLE: A Place of Contradictions: Valle de los Cados

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