The Lineage and Birth of Jesus of Nazareth in Matthew and Luke

Answer these questions in 2 sentences:

The Genealogies:  Matthew 1:1-17 and Luke 3:23-38

How are these genealogies similar?  (You dont need to go in to specific detail.  Just talk generallyabout things like structure, themes, etc.)

How are they different?

Does the Matthew genealogy connect with the Jewish background of this gospel?  If so, how?

What is the significance of the 14 generations in Matthew?  (Take a look at the notes in the HarperCollins Study Bible)

What is the significance of the women in Matthews genealogy (especially in light of Matthew 1:18-25)?

Does the Lukan genealogy connect with the Gentile (non-Jewish) and universal character of the gospel of Luke?  If so, how? 

The Birth Announcement (Annunciation):  Matthew 1:18-25 and Luke 1:26-56

How are these texts similar?

How are they different?  (For instance, whose point of view is the story told?  In what way does the angel manifest himself to humans?) 

A common theme in Matthew is the formula All this took place to fulfill the prophecy..  Does this occur in your text? If so, where & how?

Jesus Birth:  Matthew 2:1-23 and Luke 2:1-20

How are these texts similar?

How are they different?

From whose point of view (for instance, Mary, Joseph, other characters) is the story told or which characters get special focus?

Who are the visitors and what is their social status and their significance?

What role do the angels have?  How do they manifest themselves to humans?

A common theme in Matthew is the formula All this took place to fulfill the prophecy. Or something similar.  Does this occur in your text?

What is the role of historical leaders (kings, emperor, etc.) in the texts of Matthew and Luke?

In two paragraphs (or more, if you wish), describe the themes, interests and messages of Matthew and Luke.  How are they different?  How are they the same? 

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