Quick Trip Case Study

Complete an analysis of the QuickTrip. Assess the organizational layout, performance metrics, and the technology that is used to measure performance and connect with consumers.

The QuickTrip Case Study is available in the course shell. It is also available at the following link: http://supplychainresearch.com/images/quik_trip.pdf

Write a six to seven (6-7) page paper in which you:

Evaluate QuickTrip operations strategy and explain how the organization seeks to gain a competitive advantage in terms of sustainability.

Analyze how operation management activities affect the customer experience. Select two (2) operation management challenges and provide the solutions for confronting them.

Examine QuickTrip value chain and evaluate its effectiveness to operations in terms of quality, value creation, and customer satisfaction.

Determine the different types of performance measurements that can be used to measure QuickTrip service-delivery system design. Select at least two (2) types that can be applied and provide justifications for the selection.

Examine the different types of technologies applied to QuickTrip service operations and evaluate how the technologies strengthen the value chain.

Use at least two (2) quality resources in this assignment that do not include the initial case study. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

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