Thermo Lab Report (Data Provided)


Summary: title page, a few sentences summarizing key findings 
Introduction: a paragraph or two providing overview of experiment and purpose    Experimental Procedure: explain what was done to get the data, provide a picture of a wind tunnel from a different university and list your reference
Results & Discussion: include tables (label on top) and figures (label on bottom) properly named and labeled 
Conclusion: a paragraph or two restating key results and required future work. 

Your Results & Discussion section should address the items listed below. The entire report should be 3-5 pages, no more or less, double spaced.

1. Plot CL and CD vs. the angle of attack (AOA on the x-axis) all on one graph. Include the raw data and the corrected data (you will have 4 lines total on this graph).

2. Stall can be identified when the lift no longer increases for an increase in angle-of-attack. At what AOA does the airfoil stall?

3. Thin airfoil theory was developed by assuming an airfoil can be represented as a flat plate, which enables analytical solutions for inviscid, incompressible flows. Thin airfoil theory predicts the slope of the lift vs. AOA curve to be 2 in the linear region prior to stall. Fit a line to the linear portion of your data to determine the slope. How does it compare to thin airfoil theory? Note that your slope from the graph will have units of 1/degrees. You need to convert this number to 1/radians.

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