A barrier is a thread-synchronization mechanism

A barrier is a thread-synchronization mechanism that forces the threads to wait until all have reached a certain point (the barrier). Once all threads have reached this point, they may all continue. An interface for a barrier appears as follows:
public interface Barrier{
/**Each thread calls this method when it reaches the barrier. All threads are released to continue processing when the last thread calls this method.*/
public void waitForOthers();
/** Release all threads from waiting for the barrier. Any future calls to waitForOthers() will not wait until the Barrier is set again with a call to the constructor.*/
public void freeAll(); }
The following code segment of the Factory class establishes a barrier and creates 10 Worker threads that will synchronize according to the barrier:
final int THREADCOUNT = 10;
Barrier barrier = new BarrierImpl(THREAD COUNT); for (int i = 0; i < THREAD COUNT; i++)
(new Worker(barrier)).start();
Note that the barrier must be initialized to the number of Worker threads that are being synchronized and that each Worker thread has a reference to the same barrier object barrier. Each Worker will run as follows:
// All threads have access to this barrier
Barrier barrier;
// do some work for a while . . . // now wait for the others barrier.waitForOthers();
// now do more work . . .
When a thread invokes the method waitForOthers(), it will block until all threads have reached this method. Once all threads have reached the method, they may all proceed with the remainder of their code. The freeAll() method bypasses the need to wait for threads to reach the barrier; as soon as freeAll() is invoked, all threads waiting for the barrier are released.
Submit the java project HW5 having the full code of the following:
The interface Barrier,
The classes BarrierImpl implementing the Barrier interface,
The class Worker extending the class Thread
The class Factory

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