emotional intelligence

This module/week, you are going to test the Facial Feedback Hypothesis. First, have 5 friends/colleagues/family members hold a pencil in their mouths showing their teeth for 30 seconds. Then, ask them to rate how happy they feel on a scale of 17 (1 = very unhappy, 7 = very happy). Second, have another 5 friends/colleagues/family members hold a pencil in their mouths without showing their teeth (i.e., lips together) for 30 seconds. Then, ask them to rate how happy they feel on a scale of 17 (1 = very unhappy, 7 = very happy).

    Summarize the facial feedback hypothesis, citing the course textbook.
    What were the findings of your mini-experiment? For example, the average rating was # for Group 1 (teeth showing) versus # for Group 2 (no teeth).
    Were your findings consistent with the Facial Feedback Hypothesis? Why or why not?
    Why do you think God created us to experience emotions?

1.  Each essay must be at least 400 words.
2.  While meeting the word count is important, it is possible to write an essay that is long enough, but not substantive enough to earn full credit.  The second criteria of a good essay is including a clear and substantial answer to the prompt.  When preparing your essay, ask yourself, Does my essay answer the question or questions being posed?  and Does it clearly answer all parts of the question, using material to support my answer?  When answering the essay question, it is important to use concepts, research, and/or theories from the weeks material to support your thoughts.  A good essay will offer a thoughtful response on the topic being discussed and will demonstrate a good understanding of the topic by using material from the week in your answer. Using anecdotes or personal experiences are not as substantial or scholarly as using research and/or theory to advance discussion. 
3.  A good essay offers something new and fresh.  Avoid simply answering the question with a simple response or reiteration of what the textbook says. Instead, present information in a way that advances thought on the topic and shows a clear understanding of and reflection on the material.  Essay prompts are your opportunity to demonstrate how much you have learned and can apply the topic. This does not mean that you write and write and write, but rather that you present a thought-filled and reflective essay that addresses the question being asked in a way that demonstrates a true depth of understanding of the weeks material. 
4.  A good essay is written in a scholarly way, free of grammatical and spelling errors.  It will also be in current APA format and use both in-text citations and a reference section. Essays are expected to be written in a scholarly way and with research/references to support your views.

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