1D motion, kinematic equations

1. A beetle moves with a speed of 5.0 mm/s along the perimeter of a circular petri dish with diameter
d = 16.6 cm. How long does it take the beetle to go around the dish once? [4 points]
Note: A complete solution includes: a diagram (visualization) with all information identified and labeled;  units clearly indicated for all quantities, and explicitly stated in all equations; all relevant algebraic steps and calculations shown; and a concluding statement clearing indicating the answer(s). Failure to include sufficient detail will result in a reduced grade.

2. Consider the points (A,B,C,D,E,F) on the following position versus time graph. [2points]

(a) At which point or points, is the velocity in the +x direction?        A B C D E F
(b) At which point or points, is the speed the greatest?            A B C D E F
(c) At which point or points, is the speed the smallest?            A B C D E F

3. An object is dropped from a height of 15.0 m. Assume it is in free-fall. Reproduce the following diagram on paper and assign and/or calculate all quantities identified in the figure. Make sure to show all relevant calculations. [4 points] Note: Indicate which quantities are given in the problem, assumed by you, or calculated. In the case of calculated quantities, show all work. Do not forget to include units!

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