Any topic (writer’s choice)

Final Paper
Paper Content

The paper will address any topic related to Medical Ethics that has been approved by your instructor. 

Writing the Paper

Must be minimum of 6 and maximum of 8 pages double-spaced pages of text in length
Must include a cover page that includes the following:
Title of paper
Learners name
Immaculata University and Course name and number
Facilitators name
Date submitted
Must comply with APA format (APA format is demonstrated at: )
Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.
Must include, in body of the paper, sufficient academic concepts (three to four) prompted by course facilitator, assignments, and other requirements.  Each concept must be addressed in the following way:
Reference an academic concept gleaned from classroom or reading experience during the course of this class.  Be sure to cite properly using APA.  When researching, be sure to employ Gabriele Library research sources and sound research practices to support your answers.
Provide a context of experience where the learner saw this academic concept in operation.
Re-address the concept and the experience with critical thought.  (That is, how does this learner respond to the content, positively or negatively, and defend that position).
Conclusion must readdress thesis and provide a conclusion that considers paper content/evidence.
The final page(s) must be a References Page consistent with APA guidelines.

the attachment is the topic I wish to discuss about.

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