

1. MidTerm – Java program

Create a new Project in Netbeans. Use the following naming convention for the project: lastname_MidTerm . Example: smith_MidTerm

Add your name, course number, and Assignment number to the top of all classes as a comment

Document all functionality using comments

Variables must be declared either at the top of the class or method depending on the scope requirements of the variable.

Using Object Oriented Programming Practices, create an app that will allow a user to calculate the average for as many sets of grading scores as the user would like. Here are some requirements:

The app must have at least four classes using the MVC model. Correctly apply names to the package, classes, and files.

Hint: you can create a class for the Main, a Model, a class for the View, and a class for the Controller. The Main can instantiate the Controller and the Controller can contain the View and the Model.

The app must demonstrate the use of Getters, Setters, Methods and passing variables from an object.

The app must remain open to allow the user to enter as many sets of scores as they want.

Hint: think of menu options

The class with View should provide for the setup of the app, an introduction, directions as to how to use the app,  and provide for the closing message of the app when done.

Display introduction and directions on what user is to do.

User to input grade scores.

The app should remain open to allow user to input game scores until the user selects to stop entering scores.

The app should add each score to a running total, and count the number of score entries.

Each entry should be displayed along with a running count and average.

When the user has finished inputting a set of scores, the app should provide the final count and average and allow the user to either enter a new set of scores or close the app.

The app should provide a closing screen message.

Example Runtime Output (your application wording can be different):

This application will calculate and display a running average of all student grade scores as well as the number of score entries entered by the user.

Begin by entering all scores one at a time to calculate the average of scores.  When you have completed entering all scores enter <whatever you the developer chooses> to calculate and output the final average and  the final number of score entries entered.

The user will then be asked if they would like to enter another set of scores to calculate the average and number of scores enter <whatever you developer chooses> to continue or <whatever you the developer chooses> to exit.

Enter grade score:  80

  Number of scores entered:  1

  Average of all scores:  80

Enter grade score:  90

  Number of scores entered: 2

  Average of all scores: 85

Enter grade score: 90

  Number of scores enterer: 3

  Average of all scores: 86.67

<user chooses to end input of scores>

Final Average:  86.67

Final Number of scores: 3

Select <whatever you choose> to enter another set of scores or <whatever you choose> to exit application.

EXTRA CREDIT: (20 pts)

Show each score entered in the latest average.

Sample output:

Enter grade score:  80

  Number of scores entered:  1


  Average of all scores: 80

Enter grade score:  90

80 + 90

  Number of scores entered: 2

  Average of all scores: 85

Enter grade score:90

80 + 90 + 90

  Number of scores enterer: 3

  Average of all scores: 86.67

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