Journey of transformation

Write 1100 words paper (about four pages double-spaced) about any of the topics discussed in class. You need to use at least three references in your paper with the proper citations.
W 8/26          Msgr. Fahys Presidential Address. Readings will be in Blackboard.  Discussion question due the date before.

M 8/31              Nostra Aetate, Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian             Religions (Vatican Council II) (Pages 2-7, Reader). Discussion question due the date before.

W 9/2              Evangelii Gaudium, The Joy of the Gospel by Pope Francis:  Introduction, Chapters: IV & V (Blackboard). Discussion question due the date before.

M 9/7         Labor Day/No Class

W 9/9            Plato:  Allegory of the Cave (Pages 31-37, Reader) Discussion question due the date before.

M 9/14            The Apology by Socrates (Pages 11-31, Reader) Discussion question due the date before.

W 9/16            Hebrew Bible:  Genesis:  Chapters:  12-25 Abraham Discussion question due the date before.


M 9/21          Hebrew Bible: Exodus 1-24 Discussion question due the date before.

W 9/24            Hebrew Bible: Ruth:  Chapters 1-4 Discussion question due the date before.

M 9/28            The Gospel of Luke: Chapter 1-6 Discussion question due the date before.

        QUIZ I

W 9/30        The Gospel of Luke:  Chapters 7-9 Discussion question due the date before.


M 10/5            The Gospel of Luke:  Chapters 10-16 Discussion question due the date before.

Seeking a Path

W 10/8          The Bhagavad Gita (to be distributed by Instructor). Discussion question due the date before.

M 10/12        The Bhagavad Gita (continuation). Discussion question due the date before.

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