Self-Driving Cars

For your second major assignment, you’ll be writing a rhetorical analysis essay in which you analyze a written text from the readings section of our textbook (pages 405+). Within this section, choose a topic that interests you most. Written texts on the following topics are included in your textbook:

Choices for a Sustainable World
Post-Fact, Post-Truth Society?
Public Health
Challenges in Education
Self-Driving Cars
Immigration in the Twenty-First Century
Argument Classics
Once you have selected a text, read it carefully multiple times, annotating the text and taking notes (see lecture notes for week 6/module six for resources about active reading and note-taking). Begin planning an essay based on this text that meets the following guidelines:

is thesis-driven (thesis not indirectly stated this time, but is clearly stated or implied)
is directed toward an audience of your classmates
includes an introduction (establishes the argumentative conversation to which the argument is contributing)
includes a brief summary of the argument and presents your thesis highlighting the rhetorical features you find central to its effectiveness or ineffectiveness
develop each point stated in the thesis in the body using textual evidence, which should include short quotations cited in-text in MLA format and paraphrases where appropriate (these must also be cited)
should demonstrate that you understand the argument you’re analyzing, have summarized it fairly, and have considered it thoroughly
should follow organization structure on page 121 of your textbook (figure 7.1.
An sample essay is included in your textbook, and your essay should follow the same structure. Be sure to review the sample essay on pages 121-126 before beginning your essay.

Your essay should be 4-6 pages in length, and it should be double-spaced and formatted according to MLA guidelines.

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