
Assignment Overview
Practitioners must be able to work with others and understand theories and terms in
developmental psychology as they apply to others. It is essential to develop case
management skills by applying theories and terms in developmental psychology to real-world
experiences, which helps to identify key developmental stages in early childhood,
adolescence, young adulthood, adulthood or late adulthood. This assignment focuses on early
childhood through young adulthood.
This assignment requires you to articulate the theories for each developmental stage in the
scenario provided, based on emotional, cognitive, physical, and spiritual/moral development
factors. You are required to identify development challenges for the individual you choose in
the scenario and propose applicable solutions to address these challenges. You will need to
compare and contrast with the person in the developmental stage with the other two in the
scenario who are in two other stages of development, physically, socio-emotionally, cognitively
and morally. This assignment helps develop an understanding of the different stages of
human growth and development in early childhood through young adulthood. It helps you gain
insights into various populations and age groups for person-centered care.
Important Note
This assignment requires you to choose one of the family members from the scenario
provided. You will analyze the same person in each part of your early to mind development papers. Review Assignment Instructions and Assignment Requirements
and ask clarifying questions of your instructor before attempting this assignment

Justin, Adrienne, Ben and Tony are half-brothers and sisters whose parents married after their
respective divorces from other spouses. Their parents come from two different races and have
been married for 5 years. The parents are experiencing marital difficulties, some, but not all, of
which are brought on by problems with their oldest son, Tony, age 20. Tony has struggled with
substance abuse and has been getting into trouble since high school. Their parents had Justin,
their only bi-racial child, who is now 4-years old and shows signs of being behind in aspects of
his development. Adrienne and Ben are twins, age 9 from their mothers first marriage.
Adrienne is thriving in school, socially and developmentally, but Ben is struggling in some or all
of those areas, but gives his parents few if any problems and is supportive of his oldest brother,
despite his challenges.

Note: This scenario is brief to allow you to make research-supported assumptions about
the selected persons development and potential problems that the individual might face.
Assignment Instructions
This is a multi-part assignment, with each part due on different dates and graded separately.
It is broken into parts to give you enough time to work one each part as your learning
progresses throughout the course. Check the Assignment List for specific dates.

Part    1:    Case    Study    Analysis:    Selected    Developmental    Stage
Note: Use at least 3 theories to analyze the selected family member in her or his
categories of development.
1. Choose one of the family members from the scenario presented in the Assignment
Overview section of this document: Justin, Adrienne, Ben or Tony. You will analyze the
same person in each of your Early to Mid-development papers.
2. Cite scholarly/authoritative sources to analyze your chosen individuals physical,
social/emotional, cognitive, and spiritual/moral development, using different theories to
answer these questions for each category development:
Physical Development
a) What are some key terms and concepts that are important to know in
relation this age group?
b) Address any aspects of their appearance, motor skills/movement, and
biological (hormones) that may be affecting their physical development.
Social/Emotional Development
a) Identify 2 theories that are related to social/emotional development for
this age group.
b) Give examples of how you may see these theories in your chosen
individuals life.
Cognitive Development
a) Identify 2 theories that are related to cognitive development for this age
b) Give examples of how you may see these theories in your chosen
individuals life.
c) Explain the language development for your individuals age group.
Spiritual/Moral Development
a) Identify 2 theories that are related to the spiritual and moral
development for this age group.
b) Give examples of how you may see these theories in your chosen
individuals life.
3. Compare and contrast your chosen persons stage of development with the other
three family members developmental stages in at least one of the four

Part 2: Development    and    Multicultural    Challenges
1. Cite only scholarly/authoritative sources (beyond the textbook) to identify and
describe potential challenges for the individual chosen from the scenario in Part 1
(Justin, Adrienne, Ben, Tony) in at least one of the four areas of development
(physical, social/emotional, cognitive, and spiritual/moral)
2. Cite only scholarly/authoritative sources (beyond the textbook) to recommend
methods to help the selected person overcome or improve her or his potential
3. How do the development challenges that your chosen individual might face differ
from any challenges to development that their family members might experience?
4. Identify multicultural challenges that your chosen individual may face as a child
from an interracial family.
5. Explain how these multicural challenges could impact your chosen individuals
four areas of development?
6. Suggest plans of action or resources that you feel should be provided to this family
to assist them in proper development.
Assignment Requirements
Part    1:    Case    Study    Analysis:    Developmental    Stage    Selection
Skillfully cites scholarly/authoritative sources (beyond the textbook) to respond to
questions pertaining to the physical, social/emotional, cognitive, and spiritual/moral
development of the individual in the selected developmental stage. See
Assignment Instructions for questions.
750-1,000 word minimum, excluding title page and references (no abstract)
APA style Formatting
Paper is organized by:
Introduction includes a thesis statement, describes the scenario, briefly
describes the selected family members stage in the life span, and lays out
the purpose of the paper
Physical Development
Social-Emotional Development
Cognitive Development
Spiritual/Moral Development
Conclusion restates key points made in the paper
Minimum of 2 scholarly/authoritative sources (beyond the textbook), properly cited
within the body of the paper and referenced at the end of the paper
Submission will be checked for plagiarism
Part    2:    Case    Study    Analysis:    Addressing    Developmental    Challenges
Skillfully cites scholarly/authoritative sources (beyond the textbook) to:
describe at potential challenges for at least one of the four areas of
development (physical, social/emotional, cognitive, and spiritual/moral
development) for the same individual identified in part 1 of the individual in
the selected developmental stage.
answer questions noted in the Assignment Instructions.
recommend solutions to overcome potential challenges.
articulate the differences among the potential challenges that the different
family members might experience.
identify multicultural challenges the individual might face coming from an
interracial family.
suggest a plan of action to address the multicultural challenges.
Paper is organized by:
Introduction includes a thesis statement and lays out the purpose of the
Developmental Challenges and Solutions
Comparison of Challenges Among Stages of Development
Multicultural Challenges and Plan of Action
Conclusion restates key points made in the paper
Minimum of 3 scholarly/authoritative sources (beyond the textbook), properly cited
within the body of the paper and referenced at the end of the paper
750-1,000-word minimum required, excluding title page and references (no
APA style Formatting
Submission will be checked for plagiarism

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