Financing Infrastructure: Fundamentals and Innovations in Funding and Financing

Dear TheHills Writer,

I hope you can continue my order as you were the one that created my construction model!

please no plagiarism! and use Harvard style and citations when needed!

I have to submit a term paper demonstrating my understanding of fundamental infrastructure finance concepts, max 2500 words so I put a 7 page requirement because I want to leave room for myself to edit

In this summative assignment, you now have the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of fundamental infrastructure finance concepts. In 2,500 words, please discuss:

1)    the basic concepts, characteristics, and differences of corporate and project finance;
2)    the advantages and disadvantages of different capital structures for infrastructure financing; and
3)    the factors affecting the cost of capital of infrastructure projects and their resulting impact on project appraisal/evaluation and delivery.

To address these themes thoroughly, you should base your reflection on academic and industry references as well as content presented over the course of the module. Your writing should be thoughtfully presented, coherent, concise, and properly referenced using the Harvard citation style.

You already have my lecture slides from my previous order but let me know if you need them again
Marking scheme:
Each aforementioned theme / topic area will be equally weighted, with 10% of the marks reserved for presentation:

1)    Part 1 30%
2)    Part 2 30%
3)    Part 3 30%
4)    Presentation 10%

The academic content of the paper will be marked using the following criteria:

Academic Marks    Criteria
80%+ Excellent    As for 70 79% but, in addition, showing an ability to:
    apply module concepts to a wide range of cases and examples, or
    make connections to concepts not taught in the module, or
    re-work module concepts in an original way, or structure or present the argument in an original way.
    demonstrate critical power and/or ability to synthesise or articulate an insightful view of context
70-79% Very Good        Show comprehensive grasp of module concepts. Insightful application of those concepts.
    Use a good depth or breadth of literature where appropriate
    Demonstrate balanced and contextualised judgements
    Articulate a clearly argued and reasonably complete answer
60-69% Good
        Show a reasonably full grasp of module concepts, as found in set texts and lectures with possible occasional minor errors.
    Articulate a coherent argument.
    Make an attempt at a complete answer directed to the specifics of the question.
50-59% Satisfactory        Demonstrate a generally satisfactory level of understanding of core concepts, but:
o    with several significant errors, or
o    sparse illustration or examples if required, or
o    an incomplete answer, or not sufficiently directed to the specifics of the question,
    Show some misunderstanding of the question, but otherwise show good grasp of module concepts.
40-49% Narrow Fail        A significant misunderstanding of the question and/or
    inadequate grasp of concepts and/or
    significant errors/ lack of detail and examples 
30-39% Significant Fail        Near-complete misunderstanding of the question
    Unsatisfactory grasp of concepts
    But with some evidence of reading relevant module material
Below 30% Bad Fail        Show complete misunderstanding of question/relevant concepts and with little or no evidence of reading of relevant module material

The presentation component of the term paper will be marked using the following criteria checklist:
    Structure appropriate headings
    Acceptable English well proof-read
    Appropriate formatting
    Appropriate use of tables, figures and charts, and complete titling of them and labelling
    Consistent and appropriate use of Harvard mode of referencing
    Completeness of list of references
    Acceptable length (main text not more than 2,500 words there is no leeway on this)

Presentation Marks    Criteria
80%+ Excellent    Including elements of imaginative presentation as well as meeting all check-list requirements.
70-79% Very Good    Meeting all requirements of the presentation check-list
60-69% Good
    Meeting most requirements of the presentation check list.
An average standard of presentation.
50-59% Satisfactory    Minor weaknesses on many checklist items, or serious weaknesses on some checklist items.
40-49% Narrow Fail    Serious weaknesses on a number of checklist items OR
Some significant degree of unacceptable referencing
30-39% Significant Fail    Major weaknesses on most checklist items OR
Major degree of unacceptable referencing (short of an offence)
Below 30% Bad Fail    Very poor overall presentation and referencing (short of an offence)

The format of the assignment will be the following:
    Title Page
    Student declaration page
    Body text

the course reading list with specific chapters:


*Benninga, S. (2014) Financial modeling (4th eds), U.S.: MIT Press.

BIS (Bank for International Settlements) (2014), Understanding the challenges for infrastructure finance, BIS Working Papers No 454,

*Brealey R., Myers S. and Allen F. (2020), Principles of corporate finance (13th eds), McGraw Hill

*Collier, P.M., (2015) Accounting for Managers: interpreting accounting information for decision making (5th edition) Chichester, John Wiley.

Estache A. (2010), Infrastructure finance in developing countries: An overview, EIB papers, Volume 15, No2, 60-88

Esty B.C., Chavich C. and Sesia A. (2014), An Overview of Project Finance and Infrastructure Finance 2014 Update, Harvard Business School Background Note 214-083

*Gatti S. (2013), Project finance in theory and practice: designing, structuring and financing private and public projects, Academic Press.

Merna T. and Al-Thani F.F. (2018), Financing infrastructure projects, 2nd edition, ICE Publishing, chapters 1, 2, 4, 6, 7

Weber B., Straub-Bisang M. and Alfen H.W. (2016), Infrastructure as an asset class, 2nd Edition, Wiley: chapters: 6, 7

Books will be uploaded, may not be needed, but only for reference!

I confirm that I have read and understood the guidelines on plagiarism, that I understand the meaning of plagiarism and that I may be penalised for submitting work that has been plagiarised.
I confirm that all work will also be submitted electronically and that this can be checked using the JISC detection service, Turnitin.
If I have been asked to submit hard copy, I understand that the work cannot be assessed unless both hard copy and electronic versions of the work are handed in.
I declare that all material presented in the accompanying work is entirely my own work except where explicitly and individually indicated and that all sources used in its preparation and all quotations are clearly cited.


I have included our school’s guidelines for citing, please use!

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