How do casinos consistently game their own systems to always be the winner?

Form both Economic and Business disciplines to write:

Prepare a five-page research paper presenting a well-defined and supported argument concerning your issue to a specific employer, government agency, or civic organization (be sure to denote your audience in the introduction). You should describe the issue, relevant actors, and sources of contention or conflict; explain how the topic and issue relate to your audience; discuss how two academic disciplines have analyzed the issue; present a plan of action specific to your audience, and offer avenues for further study.
As per the attached rubric, “A” papers will: 
1. include an introduction that defines the relationship between issue and broader topic, skillfully explains the contemporary relevance of the issue, and presents a specific argument within a clear and concise thesis statement
2. independently connect examples, facts, or theories from more than one source to extends a novel or unique idea, question, format, or product
3. skillfully integrate scholarly sources from both disciplines to directly support argument
4. use proper MLA citation style 
5. utilize concise paragraphs, strong topic sentences, smooth transitions to unfold a coherent and logical argument
6. contain no errors in spelling, usage, grammar, syntax, and formatting

Papers must be in a Word document or pdf file with 12 pt. Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins, and follow proper MLA citation style

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