Discussion1-2 Response

Please respond to the 3 persons with a scholarly response.

This is what I wrote:

Set of principles guides the behavior of individuals and the potential of an organization. As a result, an organizations competency can be identified as measurable and observable skills that contribute to the success of the firm. The employees performance is recognized by observing the firms competency. The competitive advantage of an organization results from a firms increased competency, thus enabling it to thrive in the industry. By measuring competence, it is an essential component that indicates significant appraisal and a working relationship in an organization (Jaradat, Keating, & Bradley, 2017). Therefore, an organizations values and culture are demonstrated by the competencies practiced in the firm. Most importantly, competencies can be applied for the development of employees. Perhaps, an organizations competencies can be identified by exploring indicators as well as the benefits identified from them.     
As a personal value, accountability can be identified as an indicator of the firms competency. This indicates that the firm is ready to accept responsibilities and based on its own actions. Besides, the firm demonstrates decisions and commitments met when accomplishing its work. Through accountable measures, the firm is in a position to prove an affirm standing base that leads to show its ability to handle essential matters. Notably, there is a chance for the firm to demonstrate its effectiveness regarding the field of operation or the business that it undertakes (Jaradat, Keating, & Bradley, 2017). On the other hand, the adaptability of a firm is an indicator of its competency. This indicator shows how the firm adjusts according to planned work and therefore gathers relevant information to ensure that it does not veer off the course. Critical thinking is applied to address the competing priorities and demands in a dynamic ecosystem. Lastly, inclusiveness is another competency that demonstrates respect for all persons and indicates the firms point of view. It is vital that a firm demonstrates its commitment to create a welcoming and hospitable ecosystem for performing roles.
Jaradat, R. M., Keating, C. B., & Bradley, J. M. (2017). Individual capacity and organizational competency for systems thinking. IEEE Systems Journal, 12(2), 1203-1210.

1. Respond to this: Benjamin
My personal value system stems from integrity. I make a conscious effort in my practice to demonstrate the values associated with integrity, like honesty, reliability, openness, and competency. My goal is to lead by example. Even if I am not in a supervisory position, I try to stick to this code. By staying true to who I am, I have seen it change the way peers and management interact with me. I have also seen how it works with clients. Years ago, I was working in a more rural area, so I had a lot of clients and families I was working with or were assisting others with. I was in court one day and a client said they follow WWBD. It had become a phrase and an idea used by many of those in groups that were working with my organization to get assistance. When I asked why, the client said that I am like the big brother that they did not have. They think what Ben would do. It has helped them make better decisions in life. At the time I was working as a case manager to help families work through the child welfare system. I project myself, make decisions, act, and interact in a fair way with others. Professionally I work to do everything the correct way. If I find an innovative solution, I try to incorporate it and share with others. Having integrity and transparency with decisions and actions help to set an example for others to follow. It may take time. A lot of the clients I worked with tried to do everything with minimal effort. It had not gotten them far. By showing them that doing things the correct way and holding themselves accountable, they were able to recognize what they needed to do to make substantial changes for a better life. The same goes with peers. They can see that shortcuts do not end up helping others or themselves. They can end up hurting everyone. 

I do believe that by upholding ethical behavior in an organization, the organization is better able to serve individuals that receive services. By demonstrating a code of ethics, it sets up rules to follow for those in the organization and rules to receive services by the clients. This lays the groundwork or a path to follow. There at times maybe outliers that need to be considered when servicing individuals. By taking a step off the path, one must ask if they are still making an ethical choice within the law. Another direction of service may need to be considered for the client to get them where they want to be in the end. An organization needs to also recognize what their client base sees as ethical and unethical based on the culture (Newman, 2015). All clients are unique as they have all their own life experiences. All clients should be given the privilege of confidentiality and privacy. Trust between clients and staff helps to build bridges. The bridges build trust. The more each other trust, the stronger the bridge becomes. The bridge enables the client to get where they need to be for healing and growth. By being transparent with the organizations practices it helps to develop the trust of client in the organization (Newman, 2015). It is imperative for the client to be able to trust in the organization so the client receives the appropriate services, and the organization continues to thrive. At each point of service with the organization, the customer should be able to recognize that the organization demonstrates their code of ethics. 

Newman, E. (2015, October 19). Ethical Behaviour with Customers. Yonyx. https:// corp.yonyx.com/customer-service/ethical-behaviour-with-customers/

2. Respond to this: Dr. Wilson

We live in a society where there is much conflict. As professionals, it is important to extend respect, dignity, and worth to ALL people. When I engage with people, I remind myself of this one truth. Even though we may live different lives and have different values, this is a person who at the very least deserves to be treated with dignity. It is not my responsibility to judge any person for their choice. As a helping professional, my job is to provide assistance to help them move forward in their lives. Conflicts arise when helping professionals attempt to operate outside of that one truth.

3. Repsond to this: Theodor

My personal value system connects to others due to my value of treating others with respect, non-judgmental, meeting a person  where they are in life, and my willingness to make a difference. When we speak of determination in terms of the individual seeking help it can become an hinderance if this behavior is to continue. Assisting an individual can give them a pathway to overcome obstacles, and to set and meet goals, on the other hand if the individual is not determined no matter what you do for them the results will be the same. I personally feel that as we are assisting individuals, they should have some part of the responsibility, if they have the means to do so, something as small as obtaining copies, keeping appointments, or making a phone call. There are also times when the individual must be held accountable for their own actions, assisting is not always in the form of services, sometimes just reality checks can be of assistance.

My personal values can connect individuals to care, to be successful in this field you must have love for others, and the willingness to make a difference in the lives of others and the world. Embracing allows us to meet others where they are in life without judgment, ridicule, or character assassination. Respect builds rapport and integrity builds trust. Honesty allows us to assist individuals in setting  expectations that are obtainable, never promising that which you can not deliver.

When we practice ethical behavior we deliver on promises, keep our word, not judge, and maintain confidentiality. We address the individuals as a person, not group them into categories, or make assumptions. Ethical behavior has the potential to build an organization. When employees feel their company have ethical standards, they are loyal, dedicated, willing to go that extra mile. When we work with individuals needing assistance, ethical behavior has the potential for a company to build a reputation as confident, trustworthy, non-judgmental, respectful, and willing to help.

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