Social Deviance

The papers will be about 2+
pages, single-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1 margins, no heading. They must
be between 1300-1500 words in length. I only want your name at the top and nothing else; again,
you need to meet the word requirement. Points will be deducted if you use larger font, spread out
your font, adjust your margins, dont meet the word count, etc.
These papers will include your thoughts on the assigned reading (there is no formal prompt). It is
expected that the assignment will be well edited, thoughtful, and written in true essay format.
Points will be deducted for short papers, poor grammar, bullet points, and the like.
The papers will be checked with, so do not collaborate with others. Quotes from
the book can be used, but should not be the majority of your paper and should be marked as
quotations so as not to plagiarize. The paper should not show more than 10% match with other
sources in
These papers can include: personal stories of experiences you have had related to this section,
information from the research you found in the books that sheds more light on the topic,
questions/arguments about the reading you want to bring to light, thoughts on applications of the
material to your own life, etc. This is your time to show you thorough read the material,
understand it and can apply it.


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