Tough Course

If you choose to do this assignment, first, please read the attached document. Then write a complete essay of about two to three double-spaced pages. Essays less than two double spaced pages will not be sored. Your essay will include a brief summary of the major points in the document. From there, also using this document, your essay should become a specific plan of how you will use new study strategies. Your study plan should be ultra specific. For example, don’t just write you’ll do better time management. Rather, write specifically how you will practice better time management.

Citation for this assignment is not required unless you use a source other than your textbook or the attached document.

Remember, in this course direct quotes are never permitted; always paraphrase any information you borrow from any source.

As with all work in this course, check your essay for errors of mechanics {for example, spelling and/or capitalization errors}.

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