The Revolution had a positive impact on women because it ushered in improvements in female education, legal standing, and economic opportunity. Progress in these three areas gave women experience of life in the public sphere outside the home.

Grade Rubric. Use a minimum of six sources for your paper, and at least one must be a primary source

INTRODUCTION & THESIS: Includes a clear thesis statement, an assertion, or position. The topic is original and manageable in a short research paper. /points 20

FOCUS AND DEVELOPMENT: The body of the essay focuses on this thesis and develops it fully, recognizing the complexity of issues and refuting arguments in opposition to the thesis. /points 30

SUPPORT AND SYNTHESIS: Uses sufficient and relevant evidence to support the thesis (and primary points), including facts, inferences, and judgments. This is accomplished through direct quotes and/or paraphrases used accurately and effectively –appropriately including introducing and explaining each citation.  Meets the minimum required number of sources of 6-8. /points 50

LENGTH REQUIREMENT: The length requirement for this documented research paper is 1500-2000 words in length or 6-8 pages double-spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font. Note: The 6-8 pages do not include the Cover page or the Works Cited pages.  Note: Before beginning, this assignment, read through the information under the topic Scholastic Honesty. In particular, pay attention to the prescriptions concerning plagiarism. /points – 50

RESOURCES: Shows a clear understanding of the sources; has evaluated each source and used it appropriately.  /points10

CONVENTIONS: Uses MLA format correctly; includes internal citations and a Works Cited list; is free of errors. /points 10

CORRECTNESS AND STYLE: Introduces the topic in an interesting way; shows critical thinking and depth of understanding; uses appropriate tone; shows sophistication in language usage and sentence structure. /points 30

TOTAL: /200

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