How can brand image be communicated via social media marketing

Each learner will research, write, and submit an eight (8) page typewritten, double spaced report on a marketing topic. These eight (8) pages exclude the title page and the page listing the references. The report will systematically describe, critically evaluate, and thoroughly analyze the chosen topic. Specifically, the learner must choose one marketing topic from the textbook for an in-depth analysis. It is here important that the learner uses practical examples to show how organizations worldwide have applied the concept discussed. 

It is expected that the learner use at least eight (8) peer reviewed journals made available at the Tusculum University Library through the research and write-up processes. In addition, it is expected that the report use examples from the popular press (i.e. CNNMoney, Business Week, Wall Street Journal etc.) on how businesses worldwide have applied the topic chosen. The sources referenced (from peer reviewed journals and the popular press) cannot be older than five (5) years.

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