5 pages essay:How necessary is it to adopt a false self in order to be successful in American society?

The introduction and each Body paragraph needs two quotes. One quote from “paper tigers.” One quote from “The new civil rights”
“paper tigers”:http://nymag.com/news/features/asian-americans-2011-5/
“The new civil rights” is on the attachments

Introductory paragraph outline

Preamble. prepare your reader for the essays you will discuss, the general theme and argument of your essay in a few sentences. Avoid phrases like since the beginning of time.

Cite essay one cite authors full name and essay title in quotes. No italics. Summarize the argument of the essay in two or three sentences.

Cite essay two repeat what you did for essay one.

Transition – transition into your thesis by building a bridge or link between the arguments in the essays and your own thesis
Thesis one or two sentences that presents your thesis or claim.

A Paragraph Outline

The following outline is merely a suggestion, but because organization is often a sticking point in creating a strong body paragraph, this outline should help.

Topic Sentence(s) Here is the hook with which to catch your readers attention. Make sure that you have highlighted an idea or point that foments intellectual curiosity.
Setup Take time to set up your quote. Give your reader some context. Because you are, at least in theory, writing to the entire academic community, you must assume that your reader has not read the essay and needs a bit of hand-holding to understand the context behind the quote. Summary is here, context for the quote.
Quote Quote from essay 1. Dont use too much of the quote, only that which expresses the idea that supports the assertion you made in your topic sentence. Make sure to choose an idea quote, not a summary quote
Analysis You need to take time to analyze the quote, unpack the ideas expressed in it, and make sense of its meaning and intent for your reader. Be careful to stay on point, not wandering off topic nor rambling on about unrelated issues.
Setup Setup your next quote as you did your first
Quote Quote from essay 2 and follow the same guidelines you did for your first quote.
Analysis As you did with your first quote, do with your second.
Connection Make a connection between the quotes on a local level, how the quotes speak to one another, how the ideas in the quotes connect in light of your assertion in the topic sentence.

Global so what? Statement Youve taken time to make a connection, but now you need to help your reader understand how that connection affects the larger world.










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