In addition to this article, please find at least one other article covering this topicand read the pages 115-122 in the text book.
Use the articles you read to answer the following questions on 1.5 – 2 pages (3 pages MAX, single spaced, 12pt font). Make sure to be clear and concise in your answers.
• Marketing:
Why does the movie “Blackfish” address a Marketing problem?
• Ethics:
How does the movie Blackfish relate to Marketing ethics? Please consider both parties involved.
Are the parties involved acting ethically and socially responsible? How does the debate relate each of these concepts for the two companies?
What quadrant of page 120 (book) do the two companies fall in?
• Course of action:
What would you do if you were in each company’s shoes? Is action necessary and beneficial? If so, what course of action would you suggest for the parties involved in the debate and why?
Cite properly. Please include the links to the articles you cite at the end of the assignment.