Topic: Managing in Public and Private Sectors

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Managing in Public and Private Sectors. (Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust) assessment part 2
Assessment Details continued:
There are two parts to the assessment of this module (with weightings 30% + 70%): (what I want you to do (only part 2)
(1) a short essay (30%) addressing one question of your choice, Why have government (UK) attempts to introduce competition in public services been controversial, and to what extent can they be said to have been successful?. Illustrate with particular reference to a public service of your choice, of maximum 1,400 words. ( it has been done, look for the file( part 1 essay work- 30%)
(2) an essay, of a maximum 3000 words, based on a public organisation, or partnership organisation/ project involving partnership working, chosen by the student, and providing an analysis of the relevant issues covered in the module (70%). (This is what I want you to do (only part 2)
During the module you will need to be thinking of an organisation which you might want to consider further through your own study. For example, you might choose a school, a hospital or a prison, or you might go for a partnership organisation. In some cases your choice might include elements of each- eg- a school which is in a partnership. You must then examine and evaluate the organisation using appropriate themes and concepts from the module. This will require you to do independent research and find your own sources, which can be complimented by the generic sources given in the handbook. Advice on how to approach this will be given during seminars as the module progresses, and the final lecture session is set aside for assignment guidance.
• The organisation I decided to write about it in Part 2, is Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, please look for the file (Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust-Part 2)
• Check the PowerPoint file (over view) to know the tutor strictures.
• The topics you should cover or include in the essay it is in the PowerPoint files. Like; Performance management and evaluation, Innovation and service transformation, Innovation, Partnerships and networks….. etc.
• It is really important to use the RECOMMENDED READING AND RESOURCES in the APPENDIX
• Regarding using material from essay one in essay 2. You can cover one of the same topics in assignment 2 as you covered in your first essay- eg- performance measurement. There can be cross- over between the assignments, but whilst you can cover the same area they shouldn’t be copying and pasting. It does, actually, technically count as plagiarism, so whilst we can expect some similarity you should not simply repeat.

Choosing an organisation or partnership: (70% an essay, of a maximum 3000 words) ,
During the module you will need to be thinking of an organisation which you might want to consider further through your own study. For example, you might choose a school, a hospital or a prison, or you might go for a partnership organisation. In some cases your choice might include elements of each- eg- a school which is in a partnership. You must then examine and evaluate the organisation using appropriate themes and concepts from the module. This will require you to do independent research and find your own sources, which can be complimented by the generic sources given in the handbook. Advice on how to approach this will be given during seminars as the module progresses, and the final lecture session is set aside for assignment guidance.
If you DO choose to look at a partnership, it should involve public and private organisations (for example, a PFI scheme involving the NHS and the private sector),
public and voluntary organisations or community groups (for example a local council using a voluntary body to deliver services for a group of people),
or combinations of all three (for example- regeneration initiatives, and Local Strategic Partnerships)
The written assignment
This assignment requires you to do independent research and find your own sources, which can be complimented by the generic sources given in the handbook. You will be expected to apply a range of literature- and you can make use of the sources given in the Appendix for relevant areas.
The core of your assignment should then be an analysis in which you relate what you consider to be the most relevant topics that we have covered to your organisation, rather than being wholly descriptive. You should here be seeking to apply knowledge gained from the module and elsewhere in your studies to show understanding of the relevant issues that we have covered in the seminars. For example- you may choose to look at Strategy and performance measurement. Set out how the organisation addresses and/or is impacted by these issues, and then look at what issues are raised, based on the module material and your reading- eg- are they measuring the right thing, what issues do they consider in strategic planning etc- are they approaching it differently because of their ‘public’ nature? Alternatively- you may choose to look at some of the broader things- does it throw light on the question of whether public and private sectors are becoming more similar, or the issue of using competition in the public services? The purpose here is to show what light your organisation might throw on the debates and issues we have looked at in the module in these areas. There is no ‘right’ answer- each organisation is different, and it may or may not be ‘typical’- your purpose is to show that you are aware of the issues and can relate them to a practical case, coming to your own, informed and supported, conclusions.

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