Fictional story about a weather event that influenced you

Write a short weather related story of 4 to 8 pages in length, double spaced, 12 point font, 1 inch margins all around on 8.5×11 inch paper. Your story may be a factual account of a weather event or a fictional story, or a combination of the two- but please let me know. The story does not have to be specifically about the weather but must include at least 2 weather or atmospheric concepts, ideas, or pieces of information within the story. Your story could be a detective story, love story, children’s story, or a story about the weather based either on your experience or on someone else’s experience. A very memorable personal weather experience is a great subject- like an experience related to the 2008 Vancouver tornado or the December 2008 snow storms. If you have a creative writing bent, you can use your own weather experiences as a setting or backdrop for a fictional story. Another source of material is family members who have stories about an event that was to significant to them, like the Floods of 1996 or 1964, wind storms like the Columbus Day Storm, or the 1972 Vancouver tornado. Weather experiences you or a friend or family member had in other parts of the US or the World are also great topics. You will be doing a factual presentation on a weather event as a Case Study in Lab 10, so this is your chance to be creative and tell a tale as you wish, instead of having to stick to facts.

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