The double standard that exists within society about the selfie

  1. Introduction
    A.    Bring up the age of technology and how it has evolved significantly in the last decade
    B.    How technology connects us with different parts of the world
    1.    Introduce social media, and how it is specifically designed to achieve connectivity with everyone
    C.    The emergence of social media has led to many trends
    1.    The biggest one being the selfie
    a)    What the selfie is
    D.    Touch on lightly of the idea of the selfie being associated more with girl
    1.    How this has led to many ridiculing women and degrading them for participating in the selfie activity
    E.    Thesis: The reoccurring behavior among society and the media to consistently demean items and activities typically performed by women, such as the selfie, signifies the severity of the double standard in our civic life and the commonplace it has become.
    II.    First paragraph
    A.    Introduce the infinity symbol again as my first civic artifact
    B.    Explain the rhetoric and civicness behind it
    1.    Empowering for women
    2.    Seen as everlasting hope, love, strength
    a)    Evident in jewelry, photos, quotes, etc.
    C.    Introduce the stigma behind the artifact
    1.    Seen as childish, unrealistic
    2.    Women shamed for liking it
    III.    Second Paragraph
    A.    Correlate the backlash behind the infinity symbol with the same backlash experienced with the selfie
    1.    What people are saying about it
    2.    What people believe – self-absorbed and vain
    3.    How they are reflecting this attitude into their comments about it
    IV.    Third Paragraph
    A.    The selfie being seen as narcissistic and useless when done by women
    1.    However, it is actually men who tend to be more narcissistic than women
    2.    Men on average check themselves out five times a day, whereas for women it is only three
    B.    Men, who are statistically more vain than women, are being encouraged to selfie more, whereas women are being scolded
    1.    Although both men and women take around the same amount of selfies, in some studies men even take more than women, women are still more likely to be looked down upon for taking one
    V.    Fourth paragraph
    A.    The apparent double standard in society
    1.    How men are praised and even encouraged to take selfies while women are shamed
    2.    Make reference to the baseball video we saw when reading the sorority article
    B.    Why this historically might be that women and or “girly things” are seen as inferior when appreciated by women, but when men adopt the practice it is seen as something much better
    VI.    Fifth paragraph
    A.    How to overcome this double standard and slightly sexist viewp01oint
    B.    Should be focusing on and embracing the rhetoric of the selfie
    1.    Which is that it is an outlet for self-expression and a way to become more body positive about oneself


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