How did Filipino wedding customs, traditions, and marriages evolve after Western contact? Your research paper, which is due on Monday, 20, 2017, should be at least seven pages in length (not counting your bibliography), but no longer than ten. It must be typewritten, double-spaced, on non-erasable white paper and should follow a standard academic format (i.e. bibliography, documentation, page numbers, and so forth). Please use a standard font type and size (e.g., Times New Roman or some other proportional space font, 12 point). If you write using a computer make back-up copies of your work frequently, and print a copy 24 hours before you hand it in. Computer or printer failure is not an acceptable excuse for failing to meet a deadline. Citations must be given for material to which you refer. Any paper that does not list, either in footnotes or in author-date style references, the sources of its information will be reduced one full grade (for example, from a B to a C). Include a bibliography of works cited in alphabetical order by the last name of the author at the end of your paper.