Response paper:
Identify and discuss three critical issues in conducting an ethnographic investigation.
Task: Identify and discuss three critical issues (conceptual/theoretical and/or practical) involved in conducting an ethnographic investigation.
Refer explicitly to at least six of the below references (please find the attached files). Also refer to other readings and/or your own research to support your response.
Kamberelis, G., & Dimitriadis, G. (2005). On qualitative inquiry: Approaches to language and literacy research. New York: Teachers College Press. Ch. 1
Savin-Baden, M. & Major, C.H. (2013). Theoretical and conceptual frameworks in Qualitative research: The essential guide to theory and practice, pp. 131-147. London: Routledge.
Thomas, K. (2009). Creativity in art making as a function of misrecognition in teacher-student relations in the final year of schooling. Studies in Art Education 51(1), 64-77.
Villlenas, S. (2010). The colonizer/ colonized Chicana ethnographer: Identity, marginalization and co-optation in the field. In W. Luttrell (Ed.), Qualitative educational research: Readings in reflexive methodology and transformative practice (pp.345-362). New York: Routledge.
Angrosino, M.V. & Rosenberg, J. (2011). Observations on observations In N.K. Denzin & Y.S. Lincoln (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of qualitative research (4th Ed.), pp. 467-478. Thousand Oakes: SAGE.
Geertz, C. (1973/2000). Thick description: Toward and interpretive theory of culture in The interpretation of cultures: Selected essays, pp. 3-30. New York: Basic Books.
Atkinson, P., Coffey, A. & Delamont, S. (2003). Strangeness and familiarity. In Key themes in qualitative research: Continuities and changes, pp. 25-47. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
Savin Barden, M., & Howell Major, C. (2013). Ethnography. In Qualitative research: The essential guide to theory and practice, pp.196-204. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
Understanding of the question or issue and the key concepts involved
• understanding of the task and its relationship to relevant areas of theory and
educational research
• clarity and accuracy in use of key terms and concepts in qualitative research and
ethnographic inquiry
Depth of analysis and interpretation in response to the task
• depth of understanding of key concepts and issues that arise in the required readings
from days 1 and 2 (Assessment 1) then days 3 and 4 (Assessment 2) and from your
follow up readings
• depth of analysis and interpretation relating to definitions, explanations and
discussion of ethnography, including conceptually, theoretically and practically
related concerns
• use of relevant personal examples as appropriate
Familiarity with and relevance of professional and/or research literature used
to support response
• range of research literature on qualitative research – in addition to the required
readings – to support response
Structure and organisation of response
• appropriateness of overall structure of response
• clarity and coherence of organisation, including use of section headings and
summaries to enhance readability
Presentation of response according to appropriate academic and linguistic
• clarity, consistency and appropriateness of conventions for quoting, paraphrasing,
attributing sources of information, and listing references
• clarity and consistency in presenting tables and diagrams
• clarity and appropriateness of sentence structure, vocabulary use, spelling,
punctuation and word length.
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