Critically assess the relevance of Mintzberg’s 5 Ps of strategy to the strategy of Amazon as represented in the article. (3000 Words).
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Read the article; ‘Relentless.Com’, The Economist, 21ST June 2014 which you can access here. Critically assess the relevance of Mintzberg’s 5 Ps of strategy to the
strategy of Amazon as represented in the article. (3000 Words).
The article sets out an account of the success of How well does Mintzberg’s concept of the 5Ps of strategy help analyse and explain what Amazon have been
doing? The question asks you to be critical – so remember to question the relevance here of one or more of the Ps.
It is essential to back up your point of view with argument, evidence and reference to concepts discussed in the module. All work must be carefully referenced.