University of Liverpool Session 2016/17 Civic Design MA/MSc/MCDENVS432: Theory, power and ethicsBRIEF FOR GOVERNANCE ASSIGNMENT (STRAND 1 ASSESSMENT 40% of module marks)1.0 Introduction to Task Your task is to prepare a 2,000 word essay that addresses the general theme of The current organisation and working experience of the local government system in England. Within this general theme the specific focus of your essay should be oriented towards EITHER: a) the role of the local government councillor, OR, b) the work of local government committees (e.g. a scrutiny, overview or an area committee). Your essay should demonstrate your ability to draw on and combine desk/screen documentary study with some more specific first hand interview or observation based material. Depending on your chosen focus for the essay (a. or b.), this material should be generated by either an interview with a local councillor, or, by observing a meeting of a local council Select/Scrutiny committee or an Area-based committee. See sections 3.0 and 4.0 below for more details of each of these options. The deadline for handing in your essay is: Monday 21 November 2016 and the assignment is worth 40% of the total mark of ENVS432 Theory, power and ethics.2.0 Task Specification In terms of background material you will need to consult published texts, journal articles, reports, policy statements, agenda/minutes, local newspapers; these may be available in hard copy or on web sites (some documents are published on both; other documents are specific to web sites). These sources will provide you with both general information on local government and material specific to the local council whose councillor, or committee you are using as a case study. It is important that you undertake this background reading as part of the task and that you demonstrate your understanding of it in your essay. As explained above, your use of documentary sources should be complemented by some first-hand case study material. Depending on your chosen focus for the essay, this material should be generated by either an interview with a local councillor, or, by observing a meeting of a local council Select/Scrutiny committee or an Area-based committee. The Select/Scrutiny committee should have a planning/environment/regeneration/transport/housing & community safety related function; the Area-based committee will usually have a wide-ranging agenda including some of the above and other neighbourhood matters. . You may find it useful to consult books such as The Good Research Guide by Martin Denscombe (2007) for guidance on conducting interviews and observations.3.0 Option (A) Councillor Interview The councillor (or, recent ex. councillor) interviewed may be either a leader or a back bencher; either way the emphasis should be on the councillors political role and experience. The interview should take the form of a half-hour discussion with the topics guided by a simple open-ended list of questions prepared by you beforehand.The topics covered could include, for instance:o the councillors recruitment into politics (e.g. why did they decide to stand for election?) and their experience to date; o their local ward and its political background; o their current involvement in the Council, its committees, in local party bodies and, in other outside interests; o their view of recent reforms to the local government system (e.g. moves towards elected mayors and city regional structures); o how they see their role as a democratic representative in the context of moves towards more direct forms of democracy (e.g. local referenda on Neighbourhood Plans).4.0 Option (B) Observation of Committee Meeting The committee organisation of local authorities varies a good deal from place to place. It is a good idea to check on your preferred councils current organisation through their web site, which can also be used to provide a list of dates/times/places of future meetings, to see which would be of interest to you. Most councils also include agenda papers and minutes of previous meetings together with supporting papers/ reports where appropriate. It will be useful to have a copy of the agenda of the meeting you are to attend in order to follow the business being discussed. Topics to be covered in your essay could include, for instance:o the layout of the meeting room; o the current party representation on the council and committee; o roles of and interaction between political leaders (e.g. chair, executive member, minority leader) and back benchers (including the extent of their participation and interests); o interaction between the councillors and staff and members of the public and press (if any); o the issues of the day and how they are treated (but this not the main focus of the assignment so be careful not to focus exclusively on this!).Some of those attending the meeting may be willing to chat with you after the meeting has ended providing you with an opportunity to ask some questions and seek clarification of anything you witnessed. 5.0 Format and Presentation Your assignment should be written up in an essay style. It is important that your essay: Provides evidence of wider reading and includes appropriate references and quotations in relation to local government and its reform, Includes your description and analysis of the political structure and processes in your selected council in addition to the evidence from your case study interview/observation. The essay should not exceed 2,000 words in length (excluding Bibliography) and a word count should be placed at the end of your text. Use headings and sub-headings to provide signposts to the structure of your essay. The text should be illustrated as appropriate and fully referenced. Include photographs, diagrams and tables as appropriate. These should be numbered e.g. (Fig. 1, Table 2 etc.), given a title and indication of the source and an explanatory caption. Reference to them should be integrated into your text; they should not be left floating and not placed as appendices. Include a Bibliography of sources cited (including interviews), prepared according to the Harvard author (date) title system including documents sourced through web sites. N.B. web site entries operate in the same way as hard copy i.e. (author/date) in your text and in your Bibliographical list; in the list. You also need to give the full specific document site address and the date you accessed the material being cited (e.g. 03/10/2016)

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