The 1960s in America was an explosive time for many. A culture of

The 1960s in America was an explosive time for many.
A culture of
resistance to the dominant values of the Affluent Society of the 1950s
became a phenomenon known as the Counterculture. Explain this process
and the specifics. Who was rebelling against what and why in 1950s and
60s America? Write about the historical roots of this counterculture
from the 1920s through the 1960s as well as the movements that comprised
it, the charismatic and often flawed leaders and their lifestyles.
Include the importance of music, the arts, poetry, film, among other
elements through the 1960s. Was the counterculture successful in its
aims? Recall that some of the Counterculture wanted to engage and use
the system to reform what were perceived as problems by some and others
wished to drop out of the culture of conformity. Did the adherents of
the countercultural mindset have long-term impact on American society,
whether positively or negatively? Discuss and support.ORDER THIS ESSAY HERE NOW AND GET A DISCOUNT !!!Place an order today and gert 13% Discount (Code GAC13)

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