Order Description
lExecutive summary
lintroduction (COMPANY AND MARKET)
lcurrent business operation ? must use on-line tool www.semrush.com to analyse?
lSegmentation and targeting customers
lCompetitors analysis ? must use on-line tool www.semrush.com to analyse?
1. list main competitors
2.briefly analyse the current business operation and website of competitors
3.keywords on search engine optimization for competitors?SEO?
4.comparison with competitors – your role is to prepare an analysis of the current website and also the competitors to identify opportunities that can be used to improve position and drive traffic
lRevenue modle
lSWOT analysis
lbusiness strategy use on-line tool www.semrush.com to analyse
(2) Social media marketing
(3) Email marketing
(4) offline community promotion
(5) …..
(6) …..
lrecommendation and future improvement – how to improve vita coco website and another future improvements