Application of theory paper

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Application of Theory Paper

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Guidelines & Scoring Rubric

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The purpose of this assignment is to synthesize one strategy for the application of a specific nursing theory to resolving a problem or issue of nursing practice in nursing leadership, nursing education, nursing informatics, or health policy.

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Course Outcomes

Through this assignment, a student will demonstrate the ability to:

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(CO#1) Analyze theories from nursing and relevant fields with respect to their components, relationships among the components, logic of the propositions, comprehensiveness, and utility to advanced nursing. (PO1)

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(CO#3) Communicate the analysis of and proposed strategies for the use of a theory in nursing practice. (PO3, 7, 10)

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(CO#4) Demonstrate logical and creative thinking in the analysis and application of a theory to nursing practice. (PO4, 7)

Due Date:
Sunday 11:59 PM MT at the end of Week 6

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Total Points Possible:&nbsp; 325


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Description of the Assignment:&nbsp;

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Introduction to the paper includes a few general statements on the idea of nursing theory being applied to solve problems/issues in nursing practice, regardless of the specialty area of practice. For example, why would one pick a nursing theory to solve a practice problem? Would a grand, middle-range, or practice theory be best? Does the writer have any experience in using nursing theory this way? In addition, a brief one-paragraph summary of a specific nursing theory and information on the sections of the paper are provided. The selected nursing theory can be a grand theory, a middle-range theory, or a practice theory.

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Description of the problem/issue for which strategies will be developed. The problem to be resolved must be in nursing leadership, nursing education, nursing informatics, or health policy. Scholarly evidence (in the form of a literature review) supporting the issue is included. The problem/issue could be local to one’s specific practice setting. For example, the setting might be a nursing unit, a nursing-education program, an informatics department, or a health-policy unit of a consulting firm. The problem/issue needs to be something that a nursing theory can impact, whether it solves the actual problem/issue or enables people affected by the problem/issue to deal with it. It is best if the problem/issue is from real life – something the writer of the paper has dealt with or is currently engaged in.

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Some examples (these are fictitious examples)

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A nursing unit has experienced rapid turnover of professional staff, including several nurse managers. A new nurse manager from outside of the nursing unit is appointed.

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Informatics nurse specialists face a lot of resistance from all healthcare professionals to implementation of a computer-based order entry program. The implementation date will not be changed.

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A nurse educator is assigned to take over a large class of undergraduate nursing students, with a mix of young adults and adults returning for a second degree. The subject is difficult, students have not been doing well, and frustration and tempers are impeding group work.

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A health-policy nurse specialist works for a consulting firm that lobbies on behalf of many healthcare professions. Within the specialist’s work unit, there is much debate over the pros and cons of various policies being proposed for attention in the coming year.

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Applying concepts and principles from the selected theory, one strategy for resolving the identified issue is described in depth. Details on how the theory would be applied are included (consider: who, what, when, where, and how). Rationales for the strategy as well as evidence from scholarly literature are included. One ethical and/or legal aspect of the strategy is discussed. Expected outcome(s) from implementing the strategy are proposed.

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Concluding statements include new knowledge about applying nursing theory gained &nbsp;by writing the paper

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Format and Special Instructions

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Paper length: 6 pages minimum; 8 pages maximum, excluding title page and reference page. Points will be deducted for not meeting these requirements.

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The textbook required for this course may not be used as a reference for this assignment.

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A minimum of 3 scholarly references are used. References must be current– no older than 5 years, unless a valid rationale is provided. Consult with the course instructor about using an older source.

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Title page, body of paper, and reference page(s) must be in APA format as presented in the 6th edition of the manual

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Ideas and information from readings and other sources must be cited and cited correctly.

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Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing as presented in the 6thedition of the APA manual

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Application of Theory Paper

Application of Theory Paper

Your introduction is the first section of the paper. It does not have a heading. This section may include one or two paragraphs as long as the information includes all the required items listed on the rubric.

This is the second section of the paper. Please make sure you include all the required information as noted on the rubric. Do not forget to include your scholarly support.


This is the third section of the paper. Include all the required items as listed on the rubric.


This is the final section of your paper. This section should include a summary of what was learned from this writing experience.

I hope this helps!!

The purpose of this assignment is to synthesizeonestrategy for the application of a specific nursing theory to resolving a problem or issue of nursing practice in nursingleadership,nursing education, nursing informatics, or health policy.

Course Outcomes
Through this assignment, a student will demonstrate the ability to:

(CO#1) Analyze theories from nursing and relevant fields with respect to their components, relationships among the components, logic of the propositions, comprehensiveness, and utility to advanced nursing. (PO1)
(CO#3) Communicate the analysis of and proposed strategies for the use of a theory in nursing practice. (PO3, 7, 10)
(CO#4) Demonstrate logical and creative thinking in the analysis and application of a theory to nursing practice. (PO4, 7)

Due Date: Sunday 11:59 PM MT at the end of Week 6

Total Points Possible:  325
Description of the Assignment:
1.    Introduction to the paper includes a few general statements on the idea of nursing theory being applied to solve problems/issues in nursing practice, regardless of the specialty area of practice. For example, why would one pick a nursing theory to solve a practice problem? Would a grand, middle-range, or practice theory be best? Does the writer have any experience in using nursing theory this way? In addition,abrief one-paragraph summary of a specific nursing theory and information on the sections of the paper are provided. The selected nursing theory can be a grand theory, a middle-range theory, or a practice theory.
2.    Description of the problem/issue for which strategies will be developed. The problem to be resolved must be in nursing leadership, nursing education, nursing informatics, or health policy. Scholarly evidence (in the form of a literature review) supporting the issue is included. The problem/issue could be local to one’s specific practice setting. For example, the setting might be a nursing unit, a nursing-education program, an informatics department, or a health-policy unit of a consulting firm. The problem/issue needs to be something that a nursing theory can impact, whether it solves the actual problem/issue or enables people affected by the problem/issue to deal with it. It is best if the problem/issue is from real life – something the writer of the paper has dealt with or is currently engaged in.
Some examples (these are fictitious examples)
a.    A nursing unit has experienced rapid turnover of professional staff, including several nurse managers. A new nurse manager from outside of the nursing unit is appointed.
b.    Informatics nurse specialists face a lot of resistance from all healthcare professionals to implementation of a computer-based order entry program. The implementation date will not be changed.
c.    A nurse educator is assigned to take over a large class of undergraduate nursing students, with a mix of young adults and adults returning for a second degree. The subject is difficult, students have not been doing well, and frustration and tempers are impeding group work.
d.    A health-policy nurse specialist works for a consulting firm that lobbies on behalf of many healthcare professions. Within the specialist’s work unit, there is much debate over the pros and cons of various policies being proposed for attention in the coming year.
3.    Applying concepts and principles from the selected theory, one strategy for resolving the identified issue isdescribed in depth. Details on how the theory would be applied are included (consider: who, what, when, where, and how). Rationales for the strategy as well as evidence from scholarly literature are included. One ethical and/or legal aspect of the strategy is discussed. Expected outcome(s) from implementing the strategy are proposed.
4.    Concluding statements include new knowledge about applying nursing theory gained  by writing the paper
Format and Special Instructions
1.    Paper length: 6 pages minimum; 8 pages maximum, excluding title page and reference page. Points will be deducted for not meeting these requirements.
2.    The textbook required for this course may not be used as a reference for this assignment.
3.    A minimum of 3 scholarly references are used. References must be current – no older than 5 years, unless a valid rationale is provided. Consult with the course instructor about using an older source.
4.    Title page, body of paper, and reference page(s) must be in APA format as presented in the 6th edition of the manual
5.    Ideas and information from readings and other sources must be cited and cited correctly.
6.    Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing as presented in the 6th edition of the APA manual

Directions and Grading Criteria
Category    Points    %    Description
Introduction     60    19    Introduction to the paper includes all of the following:
•    General statements on the idea of nursing theory being applied to solve problems/ issues in nursing practice, regardless of the specialty area of practice.
•    A brief one-paragraph summary of a specific nursing theory
•    Information on the sections of the paper
Problem/ Issue    85    26    The problem/issue is substantively discussed.

The problem is clearly in nursing leadership, nursing education, nursing informatics, or health policy.

Scholarly evidence supporting the issue is included.
Strategy    100    30    All of the following are present:

•    One strategy for resolving the identified issue is discussed substantively

•    Concepts and principles from the selected nursing theory are clearly applied

•    Rationale(s) for the strategy are evident

•    Evidence from the scholarly literature supports the discussion

•    At least one ethical and/or legal aspect of the strategy is discussed.
Conclusion    40    13    Concluding paragraph(s) clearly show new knowledge about applying nursing theory gained from writing this paper

Paper Requirements    10    3    All of the following requirements are met:

Paper meets length requirements

Minimum of 3 scholarly references

Textbook not used as a reference

References are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided for use of older references

APA Format    10    3    Title page, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the 6th edition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section or topic of the paper.
Citations in Text    10    3    Ideas and information that come from readings must be cited and referenced correctly.
Writing Mechanics    10    3    Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual.
Total     325    100
A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Assignment Criteria    A
(100 – 92%)
Outstanding or highest level of performance    B
Very good or high level of performance    C
Competent or satisfactory level of performance    F
Poor or failing or unsatisfactory level of performance
Possible Points = 285 Points

Introduction    60-56 Points    55-50 Points    49-46 Points    45-0 Points
Introduction to the paper includes all of the following:
•    General statements on the idea of nursing theory being applied to solve problems/ issues in nursing practice, regardless of the specialty area of practice.
•    A brief one-paragraph summary of a specific nursing theory
•    Information on the sections of the paper     Introduction to the paper includes only 2 of the following:
•    General statements on the idea of nursing theory being applied to solve problems/issues in nursing practice, regardless of the specialty area of practice.
•    A brief one-paragraph summary of a specific nursing theory
•    Information on the sections of the paper    Introduction to the paper includes only 1 of the following:
•    General statements on the idea of nursing theory being applied to solve problems/issues in nursing practice, regardless of the specialty area of practice.
•    A brief one-paragraph summary of a specific nursing theory
•    Information on the sections of the paper.    Introduction to the paper includes none of the following:
•    General statements on the idea of nursing theory being applied to solve problems/issues in nursing practice, regardless of the specialty area of practice.
•    A brief one-paragraph summary of a specific nursing theory
•    Information on the sections of the paper
Problem/Issue    85-78 Points    77-71 Points    70-65 Points    64-0 Points
The problem/issue is substantively discussed.

The problem is clearly in nursing leadership, nursing education, nursing informatics, or health policy.

Scholarly evidence supporting the issue is included.     The problem/issue is superficially discussed.

The problem is clearly in nursing leadership, nursing education, nursing informatics, or health policy.

Scholarly evidence supporting the issue is included    The problem/issue is superficially discussed.

•    It is not clear if the problem belongs to nursing leadership, nursing education, nursing informatics, or health policy


•    Scholarly evidence supporting the issue is not included    The problem/issue is superficially discussed.

•    It is not clear if the problem belongs to nursing leadership, nursing education, nursing informatics, or health policy


•    Scholarly evidence supporting the issue is not included
Strategy    100-92 Points    91-84 Points    83-76 Points    75-0 Points
All of the following are present:

•    One strategy for resolving the identified issue is discussed substantively

•    Concepts and principles from the selected nursing theory are clearly applied

•    Rationale(s) for the strategy are evident

•    Evidence from the scholarly literature supports the discussion

•    At least one ethical and/or legal aspect of the strategy is discussed.    Only 4 of the following are present:

•    One strategy for resolving the identified issue is discussed substantively

•    Concepts and principles from the selected nursing theory are clearly applied

•    Rationale(s) for the strategy are evident

•    Evidence from the scholarly literature supports the discussion

•    At least one ethical and/or legal aspect of the strategy is discussed    Only 3 of the following are present:

•    One strategy for resolving the identified issue is discussed substantively

•    Concepts and principles from the selected nursing theory are clearly applied

•    Rationale(s) for the strategy are evident

•    Evidence from the scholarly literature supports the discussion

•    At least one ethical and/or legal aspect of the strategy is discussed    2 or fewer of the following are present:

•    One strategy for resolving the identified issue is discussed substantively

•    Concepts and principles from the selected nursing theory are clearly applied

•    Rationale(s) for the strategy are evident

•    Evidence from the scholarly literature supports the discussion

•    At least one ethical and/or legal aspect of the strategy is discussed
Conclusion    40-37 Points        33-30 Points    29-0 Points
Concluding paragraph(s) clearly show new knowledge about applying nursing theory gained from writing this paper
NA    Concluding paragraph(s) does not clearly show new knowledge about applying nursing theory gained from writing this paper
Concluding paragraph(s) are missing

Content Subtotal        _____of  285 points
Possible Points =  40 Points
Paper Requirements    10-9 Points    8 Points    7 Points    6-0 Points
All of the following requirements are met:

Paper meets length requirements

Minimum of 3 scholarly references

Textbook not used as a reference

References are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided for use of older references
Only 2 of the following requirements are met:

Paper meets length requirements

Minimum of 3 scholarly references

Textbook not used as a reference

References are current – within the 5-year time frame  unless a valid rationale is provided for use of older references    Only 1 of the following requirements is met:

Paper meets length requirements

Minimum of 3 scholarly references

Textbook not used as a reference

References are current – within the 5-year time frame  unless a valid rationale is provided for use of older references    None of the following requirements are met:

Paper meets length requirements

Minimum of 3 scholarly references

Textbook not used as a reference

References are current – within the 5-year time frame  unless a valid rationale is provided for use of older references
APA Format    10-9 Points    8 Points    7 Points    6-0 Points
There are 0 – 2 APA format errors in the text, title page and reference page(s)     There are 3 – 5 APA format errors in the text, title page and/or reference page(s)     There are 6 – 8 APA format errors in the title page, running head, or reference page (s).     There are 9 or more APA format errors in the title page, running head, or reference pages(s).

Citations    10-9 Points    8 Points    7 Points    6-0 Points
There are 0-2 errors in the citation of ideas and information
There are 3-5 errors in the citation of ideas and information     There are 6 – 8 errors in the citation of ideas and information     There are 9 or more errors in the citation of ideas and information
Writing Quality    10-9 Points    8 Points    7 Points    6-0 Points
0 – 2 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and formal written work as presented in the 6th edition of the APA manual     3 – 5 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and formal written work as presented in the 6th edition of the APA manual     6 – 9 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and formal written work as presented in the 6th edition of the APA manual     10 or more exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and formal written work as presented in the 6th edition of the APA manual
Format Subtotal    _____of  40 points
Total Points        _____of  325 points

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Application of Theory Paper

Application of Theory Paper

Your introduction is the first section of the paper. It does not have a heading. This section may include one or two paragraphs as long as the information includes all the required items listed on the rubric.

This is the second section of the paper. Please make sure you include all the required information as noted on the rubric. Do not forget to include your scholarly support.


This is the third section of the paper. Include all the required items as listed on the rubric.


This is the final section of your paper. This section should include a summary of what was learned from this writing experience.

I hope this helps!!

The purpose of this assignment is to synthesizeonestrategy for the application of a specific nursing theory to resolving a problem or issue of nursing practice in nursingleadership,nursing education, nursing informatics, or health policy.

Course Outcomes
Through this assignment, a student will demonstrate the ability to:

(CO#1) Analyze theories from nursing and relevant fields with respect to their components, relationships among the components, logic of the propositions, comprehensiveness, and utility to advanced nursing. (PO1)
(CO#3) Communicate the analysis of and proposed strategies for the use of a theory in nursing practice. (PO3, 7, 10)
(CO#4) Demonstrate logical and creative thinking in the analysis and application of a theory to nursing practice. (PO4, 7)

Due Date: Sunday 11:59 PM MT at the end of Week 6

Total Points Possible:  325
Description of the Assignment:
1.    Introduction to the paper includes a few general statements on the idea of nursing theory being applied to solve problems/issues in nursing practice, regardless of the specialty area of practice. For example, why would one pick a nursing theory to solve a practice problem? Would a grand, middle-range, or practice theory be best? Does the writer have any experience in using nursing theory this way? In addition,abrief one-paragraph summary of a specific nursing theory and information on the sections of the paper are provided. The selected nursing theory can be a grand theory, a middle-range theory, or a practice theory.
2.    Description of the problem/issue for which strategies will be developed. The problem to be resolved must be in nursing leadership, nursing education, nursing informatics, or health policy. Scholarly evidence (in the form of a literature review) supporting the issue is included. The problem/issue could be local to one’s specific practice setting. For example, the setting might be a nursing unit, a nursing-education program, an informatics department, or a health-policy unit of a consulting firm. The problem/issue needs to be something that a nursing theory can impact, whether it solves the actual problem/issue or enables people affected by the problem/issue to deal with it. It is best if the problem/issue is from real life – something the writer of the paper has dealt with or is currently engaged in.
Some examples (these are fictitious examples)
a.    A nursing unit has experienced rapid turnover of professional staff, including several nurse managers. A new nurse manager from outside of the nursing unit is appointed.
b.    Informatics nurse specialists face a lot of resistance from all healthcare professionals to implementation of a computer-based order entry program. The implementation date will not be changed.
c.    A nurse educator is assigned to take over a large class of undergraduate nursing students, with a mix of young adults and adults returning for a second degree. The subject is difficult, students have not been doing well, and frustration and tempers are impeding group work.
d.    A health-policy nurse specialist works for a consulting firm that lobbies on behalf of many healthcare professions. Within the specialist’s work unit, there is much debate over the pros and cons of various policies being proposed for attention in the coming year.
3.    Applying concepts and principles from the selected theory, one strategy for resolving the identified issue isdescribed in depth. Details on how the theory would be applied are included (consider: who, what, when, where, and how). Rationales for the strategy as well as evidence from scholarly literature are included. One ethical and/or legal aspect of the strategy is discussed. Expected outcome(s) from implementing the strategy are proposed.
4.    Concluding statements include new knowledge about applying nursing theory gained  by writing the paper
Format and Special Instructions
1.    Paper length: 6 pages minimum; 8 pages maximum, excluding title page and reference page. Points will be deducted for not meeting these requirements.
2.    The textbook required for this course may not be used as a reference for this assignment.
3.    A minimum of 3 scholarly references are used. References must be current – no older than 5 years, unless a valid rationale is provided. Consult with the course instructor about using an older source.
4.    Title page, body of paper, and reference page(s) must be in APA format as presented in the 6th edition of the manual
5.    Ideas and information from readings and other sources must be cited and cited correctly.
6.    Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing as presented in the 6th edition of the APA manual

Directions and Grading Criteria
Category    Points    %    Description
Introduction     60    19    Introduction to the paper includes all of the following:
•    General statements on the idea of nursing theory being applied to solve problems/ issues in nursing practice, regardless of the specialty area of practice.
•    A brief one-paragraph summary of a specific nursing theory
•    Information on the sections of the paper
Problem/ Issue    85    26    The problem/issue is substantively discussed.

The problem is clearly in nursing leadership, nursing education, nursing informatics, or health policy.

Scholarly evidence supporting the issue is included.
Strategy    100    30    All of the following are present:

•    One strategy for resolving the identified issue is discussed substantively

•    Concepts and principles from the selected nursing theory are clearly applied

•    Rationale(s) for the strategy are evident

•    Evidence from the scholarly literature supports the discussion

•    At least one ethical and/or legal aspect of the strategy is discussed.
Conclusion    40    13    Concluding paragraph(s) clearly show new knowledge about applying nursing theory gained from writing this paper

Paper Requirements    10    3    All of the following requirements are met:

Paper meets length requirements

Minimum of 3 scholarly references

Textbook not used as a reference

References are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided for use of older references

APA Format    10    3    Title page, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the 6th edition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section or topic of the paper.
Citations in Text    10    3    Ideas and information that come from readings must be cited and referenced correctly.
Writing Mechanics    10    3    Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual.
Total     325    100
A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Assignment Criteria    A
(100 – 92%)
Outstanding or highest level of performance    B
Very good or high level of performance    C
Competent or satisfactory level of performance    F
Poor or failing or unsatisfactory level of performance
Possible Points = 285 Points

Introduction    60-56 Points    55-50 Points    49-46 Points    45-0 Points
Introduction to the paper includes all of the following:
•    General statements on the idea of nursing theory being applied to solve problems/ issues in nursing practice, regardless of the specialty area of practice.
•    A brief one-paragraph summary of a specific nursing theory
•    Information on the sections of the paper     Introduction to the paper includes only 2 of the following:
•    General statements on the idea of nursing theory being applied to solve problems/issues in nursing practice, regardless of the specialty area of practice.
•    A brief one-paragraph summary of a specific nursing theory
•    Information on the sections of the paper    Introduction to the paper includes only 1 of the following:
•    General statements on the idea of nursing theory being applied to solve problems/issues in nursing practice, regardless of the specialty area of practice.
•    A brief one-paragraph summary of a specific nursing theory
•    Information on the sections of the paper.    Introduction to the paper includes none of the following:
•    General statements on the idea of nursing theory being applied to solve problems/issues in nursing practice, regardless of the specialty area of practice.
•    A brief one-paragraph summary of a specific nursing theory
•    Information on the sections of the paper
Problem/Issue    85-78 Points    77-71 Points    70-65 Points    64-0 Points
The problem/issue is substantively discussed.

The problem is clearly in nursing leadership, nursing education, nursing informatics, or health policy.

Scholarly evidence supporting the issue is included.     The problem/issue is superficially discussed.

The problem is clearly in nursing leadership, nursing education, nursing informatics, or health policy.

Scholarly evidence supporting the issue is included    The problem/issue is superficially discussed.

•    It is not clear if the problem belongs to nursing leadership, nursing education, nursing informatics, or health policy


•    Scholarly evidence supporting the issue is not included    The problem/issue is superficially discussed.

•    It is not clear if the problem belongs to nursing leadership, nursing education, nursing informatics, or health policy


•    Scholarly evidence supporting the issue is not included
Strategy    100-92 Points    91-84 Points    83-76 Points    75-0 Points
All of the following are present:

•    One strategy for resolving the identified issue is discussed substantively

•    Concepts and principles from the selected nursing theory are clearly applied

•    Rationale(s) for the strategy are evident

•    Evidence from the scholarly literature supports the discussion

•    At least one ethical and/or legal aspect of the strategy is discussed.    Only 4 of the following are present:

•    One strategy for resolving the identified issue is discussed substantively

•    Concepts and principles from the selected nursing theory are clearly applied

•    Rationale(s) for the strategy are evident

•    Evidence from the scholarly literature supports the discussion

•    At least one ethical and/or legal aspect of the strategy is discussed    Only 3 of the following are present:

•    One strategy for resolving the identified issue is discussed substantively

•    Concepts and principles from the selected nursing theory are clearly applied

•    Rationale(s) for the strategy are evident

•    Evidence from the scholarly literature supports the discussion

•    At least one ethical and/or legal aspect of the strategy is discussed    2 or fewer of the following are present:

•    One strategy for resolving the identified issue is discussed substantively

•    Concepts and principles from the selected nursing theory are clearly applied

•    Rationale(s) for the strategy are evident

•    Evidence from the scholarly literature supports the discussion

•    At least one ethical and/or legal aspect of the strategy is discussed
Conclusion    40-37 Points        33-30 Points    29-0 Points
Concluding paragraph(s) clearly show new knowledge about applying nursing theory gained from writing this paper
NA    Concluding paragraph(s) does not clearly show new knowledge about applying nursing theory gained from writing this paper
Concluding paragraph(s) are missing

Content Subtotal        _____of  285 points
Possible Points =  40 Points
Paper Requirements    10-9 Points    8 Points    7 Points    6-0 Points
All of the following requirements are met:

Paper meets length requirements

Minimum of 3 scholarly references

Textbook not used as a reference

References are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided for use of older references
Only 2 of the following requirements are met:

Paper meets length requirements

Minimum of 3 scholarly references

Textbook not used as a reference

References are current – within the 5-year time frame  unless a valid rationale is provided for use of older references    Only 1 of the following requirements is met:

Paper meets length requirements

Minimum of 3 scholarly references

Textbook not used as a reference

References are current – within the 5-year time frame  unless a valid rationale is provided for use of older references    None of the following requirements are met:

Paper meets length requirements

Minimum of 3 scholarly references

Textbook not used as a reference

References are current – within the 5-year time frame  unless a valid rationale is provided for use of older references
APA Format    10-9 Points    8 Points    7 Points    6-0 Points
There are 0 – 2 APA format errors in the text, title page and reference page(s)     There are 3 – 5 APA format errors in the text, title page and/or reference page(s)     There are 6 – 8 APA format errors in the title page, running head, or reference page (s).     There are 9 or more APA format errors in the title page, running head, or reference pages(s).

Citations    10-9 Points    8 Points    7 Points    6-0 Points
There are 0-2 errors in the citation of ideas and information
There are 3-5 errors in the citation of ideas and information     There are 6 – 8 errors in the citation of ideas and information     There are 9 or more errors in the citation of ideas and information
Writing Quality    10-9 Points    8 Points    7 Points    6-0 Points
0 – 2 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and formal written work as presented in the 6th edition of the APA manual     3 – 5 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and formal written work as presented in the 6th edition of the APA manual     6 – 9 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and formal written work as presented in the 6th edition of the APA manual     10 or more exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and formal written work as presented in the 6th edition of the APA manual
Format Subtotal    _____of  40 points
Total Points        _____of  325 points

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