The influence of Brand loyalty on purchasing behaviour of Thai consumers
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The influence of Brand loyalty on purchasing behaviour of Thai consumers
Chapter1: Introduction
Chater4: Findings and discussion
4.2 Findings
4.2.1Respondents information (demographics)
4.3 Reliability and validity (analyse and explain each table separately)
-analyse table 2 (Reliability Analyse of Factor of Brand loyalty)
analyse table 3 (Ranking Factor of brand loyalty)
analyse table 4 (Income level versus factors of brand loyalty)
analyse table 5 (Ages versus factors of brand loyalty)
(please provide all 6 tables in the end)(table6 Significance of brand loyalty factors with brand loyalty)
4.4Hypotheses test (explain separately )
The hypotheses focus on the factors that influence consumer in Brand loyalty towards a particular brand. Base on the factors that influence brand loyalty.
4.4.1H1: There is a significant and positive relationship between brand name of coffee café and brand loyalty.
4.4.2H2: There is a significant and positive relationship between products quality of coffee cafe and brand loyalty.
4.4.3H3: There is a significant and positive relationship between products price of coffee cafe and brand loyalty.
4.4.4H4: There is a significant and positive relationship between beverages design and brand loyalty.
4.4.5H5: There is a significant and positive relationship between promotion and brand loyalty of coffee café.
4.4.6H6: There is a significant and positive relationship between service quality and brand loyalty of coffee café.
4.4.7H7: There is a significant and positive relationship between store environment and brand loyalty of coffee café.
4.5 Discussion (separate each)
4.5.1 H1
4.5.2 H2
4.5.3 H3
4.5.5 H5
4.5.6 H6
4.5.7 H7
-Summary of Chapter4
Chapter 5 Conclusion(1500words)
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Research Conclusion
5.3 Recommendation and research implication
5.4 future research and development
PS.I will attach the EXEL file to analyse SPSS (ANOVA)
Reliability and Validity (Cronbachs Alpha, One-Wat ANOVA)
Correlation (please provide all 6tables at the end)
and the empirical research which I have followed