Sex and Gender Gender Inequality
Topic: Sex & Gender: Women still do most of the housework even in those households where both partners are in full-time employment (ABS).
Essay Question: Discuss gender inequality in todays society
Weighting 25%
Length 1200 (Minimum of 1200 words, Maximum of 1300 words).
Submission Method Assignment Boxes
Online (through TURNITIN)
Please include in the essay as a source as it is a requirement:
Recommended Text this text is essential and a requirement as it is our text book:
Germov, J. and Poole, M. eds (2015) Public Sociology: An Introduction to Australian Society,
3rd Edition, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest.
General notes from Lecturers to include:
1) Page numbers for in-text references: A lot of the minor essays omitted page numbers from in-text references. This is a requirement of most disciplines and as markers, we need to know exactly where your arguments have come from in specific texts. Your in-text references should look like this (Germov & Poole 2015: 1).
2) Reference all claims you make: In a body paragraph, you need to reference. There are millions of journal articles and books available through the library that will apply to almost any essay topic. Find them. Dont assume that something which appears to be common knowledge or lived experience does not need to be referenced.
Important: A 200 250 word paragraph should contain AT LEAST three in-text references.
3) Use peer-reviewed, academic articles or books as sources (these can be found online through the library or google scholar). Also, these should be in the discipline of sociology. Websites, blogs, news articles, etc are problematic in an essay context because they are not peer-reviewed so try to avoid them in this upcoming assessment.
4) Linking sentences between paragraphs to keep your essay flowing: self-explanitory.
5) Language: Try to avoid colloquial or shortened language. Dont, cant, arent are not acceptable in an essay use do not, cannot, are not etc.
Please include: Cover page and reference sheet.