The Effectiveness of Parental Involvement in Their Children’s Learning of School Mathematics

The Effectiveness of Parental Involvement in Their Children’s Learning of School Mathematics

Paper instructions:
Leadership Project:  It is important that you talk with me about your topic prior to beginning.  (45 points)
The goal of this paper is for you to explore a topic that has the potential to improve learning for 12-18year olds/secondary students.
There are two parts: 1) Make the case for the reform/change 2) Describe the steps involved in implementing the reform/change.

Assignment Leadership Project.  This assignment includes the statement Conduct your own research on your topic. This may involve observation at a school site, interviews with teachers or a

survey of school students.”
Given that schools are no longer in session, this part may be more difficult to complete. Your topic will play an important factor in identifying whose views you would like to include in your

paper. eg If you are interested in principal views on teacher leadership then it would be great if you could include 1 or 2 principal’s views in your paper. If you are interested in teacher views

about teacher leadership then you would want to interview or survey teachers you may have teachers you could contact. Alternatively we have 11 teachers in our class whose views you could

include. If you are interested in student views eg on how we could improve schools, then you may have access to students or you could ask those members in our group who have children if they

could participate. I hope this gives you some ideas. Also, the book we will read by Sizer, may also raise new ideas for you.

Leadership Project:  It is important that you talk with me about your topic prior to beginning.  (45 points)
The goal of this paper is for you to explore a topic that has the potential to improve learning for 12-18year olds/secondary students.
There are two parts: 1) Make the case for the reform/change 2) Describe the steps involved in implementing the reform/change.  (Approximate length, 8 pages).
Part 1
    Include a review of the research literature on the topic eg. Is there any existing research on the topic? What does the research say about your topic?
    Conduct your own research on this topic. This may involve observation at a school site, interviews with teachers, or a survey of school students
Part 2
    Describe how you would implement the change. The level of implementation could be whole school, or department. However, the focus needs to be broader than your own individual

classroom. Describe any resistance you might meet and how you would respond to it.
o    Provide a brief summary and reflection on this process
(Rubric for Leadership Project is included at the end of the syllabus)
Example. The topic is performance assessment and your reform involves improving or expanding the use of performance assessment beyond 12th grade Senior Project (This is a required project

for graduation in NC). The first part of the paper would describe the research base for performance assessment; include examples of other high schools that have incorporated performance

assessment, and collect data that you have gathered from teachers or students with regard to improving or expanding performance assessment. The second part would describe how you would

go about implementing the recommended changes in a specific school or at the district level.

Leadership Project Rubric
Excellent (7)
Review of the literature    Thorough review of the literature pertaining to the strategies
(8 sources)
Own research on this topic.    Very good local evidence provided  for project
Connections to Larger Reform Agenda    Project clearly located within larger reform framework
Implementation of reform    Detailed and carefully considered plan for implementation including response to  resistance
Reflection    Detailed insights regarding self, topic and process of change
Clarity of Communication    Very well organized. Sentence structure, spelling, grammar, and punctuation excellent.
Presentation of Project to Peers    Clearly communicates the goals and outcomes of school improvement with 5 key points identified for peers
(Each category in the rubric is worth a maximum of 7 points, except for Clarity of Communication which is worth 3 points. The maximum number of points is 45)

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