Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please work on # 4 and 6. Thank you
1.    Title: Drugs and substance abuse prevention
2.    Topic: Substance abuse (Think about narrowing your topic. Please ask yourself “What about substance abuse do I want to teach them to be able to do?”).
3.    Target audience (Parents)

4.    A 1-paragraph needs statement stating why there is a need for this particular type of training. Refer to any research or personal observations you have in order to declare the need.

5.    A brief and general goal statement phrased as To provide parents with the knowledge and skills to enhance family bonds and strengthen parents to prevent teen substance

6.    A 1-paragraph training synopsis. This is an informal statement in general terms of what will be detailed very formally in the training.  It is what will happen during training. For now, describe how you will go about training the target audience. 

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