The Long Voyage Home 1940

Your task is to write a 2 page review of the film.  You are to explain what you got out of watching the film without writing about the plot  Your review should tell a story with an intro, body and conclusion.  Two full pages, Times Roman 12 Point Font, Double Spaced submitted as either a PDF or a Word Document.  No other format is acceptable. Never use the word “I”.  Please Review your syllabus for more instructions.

When reviewing the film, imagine
we just sat down and watched it together and now you are going to open your computer
and explain to me what you got out of the film. How does it tie to the unit we are
covering? What is significant about the film? How is it different from other films you’ve
watched. I dont care about whether or not you liked the film, I want to know what you
learned. DO NOT SUMMARIZE the film! Please do not submit rough drafts, I will be
grading content, punctuation, grammar and style.
Grammar errors -5-15 points
Use of I -20 points
Multiple spelling errors -5-15 points
Information in the paper comes from a source but is not cited in the text -10
Sources in text but no Works Cited page -10 points
Rotten Tomatoes -50 points
Wikipedia -25 points
Paper is the plot of the film -65 points
65 points each, Film Reviews are due as noted on the calendar. 390 total.

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