Topic: An essay on the implementation of coaching and/or mentoring strategies in the clinical setting
Order Description
In this assignment, you are asked to select one coaching or mentoring model and write an essay on the implementation of the selected coaching and or mentoring model/strategies in the workplace to build a positive work environment for new graduates a clinical setting new to them. Please note that the essay is NOT to focus on new staff members with work experience in the relevant area. This assignment should draw on key attributes of the model and its application in the real world setting.
It is important that you both review relevant literature and demonstrate how you can apply the literature to your discussion.
in this essay it’s important to follow the Marking Criteria and the Modules 1,2,3 and 4 which I will upload and if you need more Module i will upload
Coaching and or mentoring in clinical setting
Assignment One question: In this assignment, you are asked to select one coaching or mentoring model and write an essay on the implementation of the selected coaching and or mentoring model/strategies in the workplace to build a positive work environment for new graduates a clinical setting new to them. Please note that the essay is NOT to focus on new staff members with work experience in the relevant area. This assignment should draw on key attributes of the model and its application in the real world setting. It is important that you both review relevant literature and demonstrate how you can apply the literature to your discussion. The length of assignment is to be no longer than 2500 words plus cover page, contents page and references. The essay is to be written in the third person.
ASSIGNMENT 1 Essay Marking Criteria (coaching and or mentoring in clinical setting): Criteria Grade
Introduction (possible 5 marks)
Introduction and overview of topic.
Main body (possible 65 marks)
Theoretical explanation of key topics and issues (30).
Strength of argument supported by a wide range of relevant literature (15).
Analytical thought (10).
Clarity of content (10).
Conclusion (possible 10 marks)
Summary of content (5).
Emphasis of key points (5).
Overall (possible 20 marks).
General structure/flow (5).
Grammatical style/spelling/literacy (5).
References – context and end text (5).
Structure in accordance with APA (5).
Score (100)
Scaled Score (60)