assignment 3

For this activity, you will be addressing gender norms and issues.  For the statements that apply to the gender you identify as, discuss, deny, or defend the statement and offer support (For example [and you dont have to answer each of these], what has been your experience with each of these ideas? How have they affected your development as a person? What are the pros and cons of these ideas?).  For the statements that apply to a different gender, respond with how much you feel these statements affect the lives of people with this gender identity.   

Statements for Men:  Men

(1) are actively discouraged from displaying emotions, especially those of extreme sadness such as crying or elation;

(2) often experience high expectations from their fathers and role models in terms of occupational success and the creation and maintenance of a secure family;

(3) frequently experience pressure to be sexually inclined, active, and ready to go at a moment’s notice;

(4) find it difficult to ask for nurturing and to express their dependency needs, among others, especially to other men;

(5) are expected to assume roles of leadership, to be comfortable with risk, and maintain emotional balance throughout a crisis;

(6) want to have large penises;

(7) rarely look to women as role models.

Statements for Women:  Women

(1) have mood swings during their period and will act erratically at this time;

(2) don’t really need to work or develop specialized skills for entry into a profession because they can always find a man to take care of them;

(3) are often troubled by the sexual double standard and feel they must project a good-girl image while men can do whatever they want with whomever they want and whenever they want;

(4) cannot feel fulfilled unless they become mothers and raise their children;

(5) want to have large breasts;

(6) have very few female role models.

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