Comparing the Roman and Byzantine Empires

When Rome declined, the western half of the empire formed the Byzantine Empire. The eastern half became the Holy Roman Empire. Because the Byzantine Empire came from the fall of the Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire had many similarities with Rome. In addition to these similarities, there were also several differences between these two empires. These similarities and differences helped shape the Byzantine Empire into what it became.

Go to youtube: Comparing Roman and Byzantine Empires | AP US History | Khan Academy
After you view the video, you will need to compare the Roman and Byzantine empires by identifying and describing the following characteristics:  capital; language; religion; law; governance; and culture.  The following example is how you should format your findings:


Time Period.  The Roman Empire began in 27 BCE and ended in 476 CE.  The Byzantine Empire originated in 330 CE and was terminated in 1453 CE.

Use complete sentences when identifying and describing the characteristics of both empires.  Do not simply list the characteristics.

Identify and describe the characteristics of both empires as follows:







Comparing the Roman and Byzantine Empires summary of the Khan Academy video must be approximately 200 words and submitted as a text entry.

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