Strategy Selection, Implementation And Evaluation



(The Introduction paragraph is the first paragraph of the paper and will be used to describe to the reader the intent of the paper explaining the main points covered in the paper.  This intent should be understood prior to reading the remainder of the paper so the reader knows exactly what is being covered in the paper.  Write the introduction last to ensure all of the main points are covered.)

Alternative Strategy Generation

To generate a pool of strategies, you will look at the organizations business level strategy, corporate level strategy and global strategy.   Using the information and data collected from your research, and the analytical outcomes from (a) external factor analysis in your Project 1 and (b) internal factor analysis in Project 2, you will generate a pool of strategies.

  • Generate a minimum of three possible alternative strategies for the company.
  • Identify and discuss cultural and organizational factors that should be considered in analyzing and choosing among the alternative strategies.

Strategy Prioritization

  • Prioritize strategies and explain using the course material to support the reasoning Use the tools learned in the course.

Strategy Selection

  • Explain how to select the best strategy or strategies
  • Recommend the best one or two strategies and long-term objectives among the alternative strategies and explain why these strategies and objectives are best
  • Identify strategy recommendations using the following format for the formulation of strategies.  Make sure you are thorough in your presentation.
    • View .
    • Goal (The desired outcomes to be achieved)
    • Objective (Measurable milestone toward accomplishing the Goal)
    • Strategy (The approach used to achieve the Goal)
    • Tactic (A specific activity undertaken to implement the Strategy)
    • Review this resource to differentiate between and

Strategy Implementation

  • Recommend procedures for strategy implementation.
  • Discuss who, what and how to implement the selected strategy or strategies at the corporate level, business-unit level, and functional level.

Strategy Evaluation

Use frameworks and tools discussed throughout the course.  Support the reasoning and conclusions made.

  • Discuss procedures for strategy review and evaluation
  • Discuss the appropriate evaluative measures (including who, what, when and how at the corporate level, business-unit level, and functional level)
  • Discuss a corrective action plan (including who, what, when and how) at the corporate level, business-unit level, and functional level.)


  • Create a concluding paragraph.  The Conclusion is intended to emphasize the purpose/significance of the analysis, emphasize the significance/consequence of findings, and indicate the wider applications that are derived from the main points of the projects requirements.  You will draw conclusions about the findings of the external environment analysis.
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